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May 18th 2022

It ain't all feverish conditions, Bitter mouth, weakness, abdominal discomfort & co, that are caused by Malaria or Typhoid fever.

Atimes it can be caused by WORM infestation.

(Mnemonic: ADULTING)

A Thread
A - Abdominal Pain
D - Diahorrea
U - Unexplained Weight Loss
L - Lack of Appetite
T - Tiredness (fatigue)
I - Increased Temperature (Fever) & Itchy Bottom
N - Nasueated or Vomiting
G - Gas /Bloating
#DISCLAIMER : Don't use the Mnemonic (Acronyms) to assume Dewormimg is meant for Adults only.
** Children from 1 YEARS & Above are advised to be dewormed.

๐Ÿ‘‰ INFACT, Children needs it more, due to their immune system & brain function.
Read 5 tweets
May 16th 2021
NEVER USE Cotton bud, Broom stick, Biro, Needles, etc to remove EARWAX INSIDE YOUR EAR.

#DON'T, I repeat DON'T!

Earwax may may seen dirty but it has several functions in our body.

#LET_ME_EXPLAIN ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

A Thread ๐Ÿ‘‡
Your ears usually do a good job cleaning themselves & Donโ€™t need any Extra care.

The only reason you should clean them is to soften or remove earwax from the outside of your ear canals. And if youโ€™re going to do that, youโ€™ll need to know how to do it carefully.


- The Ear produces a substance called CERUMEN (Earwax). Itโ€™s NORMAL for your body to produce it, and it actually helps PROTECT and LUBRICATE your ears.

- If you didnโ€™t have earwax, your ears would probably be ITCHY and DRY.

Read 10 tweets
Dec 7th 2019
-A interview of a antisemitisem scientist-

"In polls, many #Germans are annoyed by the thematization of the #Holocaust: One third is annoyed that the crimes committed against the #Jews are still held up today. And 41 percent think that #Jews talk about it too often ..."
The feeling of being held up is apparently present in many, they feel attacked. It is quite paradoxical: Although in surveys almost 90 percent say that belonging to #Germany is the knowledge of the history of National Socialism. Nevertheless, especially the #youth find today:
My #grandfather was already no longer involved, at some point is also good times. Interestingly, this is not just a #German phenomenon, but in the whole of #Europe, such as in #Poland and #Hungary, but also in #Spain or the #UnitedKingdom.
Read 15 tweets

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