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Jun 2nd 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: The long, bloody lineage of private equity's looting; and more!

Archived at:…


1/ An overgrown graveyard, ren...
Tomorrow (3/6) at 1:30PM, I'm in #Edinburgh for @CymeraF on a panel with Nina Allen and @iannmcdonald:…

Mon 5/6 at 7:15PM, I'm at the #BritishLibrary with my book *Red Team Blues* for an event hosted by @Marthalanefox:…

2/ Image
CORRECTION: The 5/29 edition of Pluralistic quoted $20k Rebyota; this was the rumored pre-release price; the actual average wholesale price is $10.8k. Thanks to Benjamin Jolley for catching this error, and to Stephen Skolnick for getting to the bottom of it.

Read 36 tweets
Jul 29th 2021
4 years ago I started implementing an entire #linux #wayland display server in the browser because "wouldn't it be cool if ...", but I never really shared my experiences that eventually lead me to implement a #kubernetes powered cloud desktop computer. 🧵👇
I'll try to keep these posts chronologically but most comes from memory so I apologize in advance. ;)
It basically started with a discussion in #wayland on #irc where it was suggested that one should use (s)rtp for real time video stream. The browser lacking such things, only offers WebRTC so first thing was to check if that could be utilized.
Read 31 tweets
Jan 24th 2021
Annual WEF commences tomorrow w/ #DavosAgenda.

Key theme: rebuilding #trust - in order to obtain new social #contract - required for global #greatreset that will secure/serve ruling class & corporate power expansion.

Accounts to follow, followed by Klaus Schwab account:
The "new social contract" will be sold via the global rebranding of capitalism. #StakeholderCapitalism is the branded concept of a capitalism w/ #Purpose.

"CEOs [] are rightfully concerned about the increasing fragility [] & the threat to capitalism..." #BRT #Imperative21
[Accounts appear in order chosen by account admin.]

5th & 6th accounts followed: #GlobalShapers & Young Global Leaders. Youth are a key target demographic, to be shaped/molded for #GreatReset. Jan 2021: Global Shapers opens 444th hub in Morocco #Africa:…
Read 23 tweets
Aug 10th 2020
🔴 [BREAKING] #SAR Op 10.08.20 - Libyan Coast Guard ship "Ras Jadar" rescued ca. 90 #migrants including women and is currently returning to Tripoli for disembarkation. [UPDATE FOLLOWS] #migrantcrisis #frontex #seenotrettung #COVID19 Image
[UPDATE] #SAR Op 10.08.20 - Libyan Coast Guard ship "Ras Jadar" returning with rescued #migrants to Tripoli Naval Base. #migrantcrisis #frontex #seenotrettung #COVID19
[UPDATE] #SAR Op 10.08.20 - All rescued #migrants disembarked safely in Tripoli Naval Base. #migrantcrisis #frontex #seenotrettung #COVID19
Read 8 tweets

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