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As someone who knows nothing about cars, I weirdly enjoyed watching #DriveToSurvive on #Netflix, the #FormulaOne docuseries 🏎🏎🏎

I found some interesting parallels with my experiences as an #ECR.

Let me explain...

#AMPlify2022 @AusMusPsySoc @AcademicChatter #ECRchat

Before we get started, I acknowledge my privilege as an academic with ongoing employment.

I acknowledge many ECRs will face additional challenges I haven't covered in this thread. Feel free to add your own observations 😊

OK, "LET'S GO!" (that's an F1 rallying cry, btw!)
🏎 F1 drivers are persistent.

What's the best for ECRs way to emulate them?

Keep showing up, especially in the face of failure:

‱ pick yourself up after disappointment
‱ don't let negative feedback derail you
‱ #KeepPushing (a hashtag borrowed from the #F1 world!)
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So today is me & Connie’s anniversary!

On today last year, I just went to the school board meeting to speak because Dadrius Lanus asked me to come. For years we had pushed to change the name of Lee High School,
Connie was shopping while people were sharing their heart on the issue.

Y’all know how the rest of the story went. Connie walked out. We changed the name of the school to Liberty High School, but she’s still on the board.
I never imagined that night at the meeting the video would go viral, and millions would watch it. I was simply showing up in my community because I care. Your love and support over the last 365 days has blown me away and given me deep joy.
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Thank you to each individual who believed in this campaign. Thank you to every person who gave their resources, time, and positive energy in our direction.

Last night we came 1500 votes short of knocking out a sitting state Senator that’s been elected 20 years.
No one thought we had a shot. The polls said we were at 6%, we finished with 21.3% of the vote. That’s due to my amazing team, thank you for everything you sacrificed and have to this team. I appreciate you. We earned every single vote we got.
We had almost no institutional support, but we had a belief in progressive values and that THE PEOPLE deserve more.

To my family, thank you for sacrificing in ways most will never know so I can stand and fight for what I believe in.
Read 6 tweets
You can remove Trump or he can stay until January 20th.

You can remove him from social media.

His ideology is American, because white supremacy was in the fabric of the founding documents of this nation.

Trump is & always has been an example of what is beneath the surface.
Millions of Americans voted for this man.

Millions of Americans believe that if Black people are voting at high numbers it’s rigged.

Their ancestors worked hard to restrict our vote, because they understood the power that came with giving us the ballot.
The question becomes, not what to do with Trump.

There are Trumps at every layer of government, nationally & locally.

The question is when do we get serious about ending the systems of white supremacy?

The time is now. #KeepPushing #ChangeisComing
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Celebrate, but don’t you dare think the 71 million people who thought a bigot in the White House was acceptable aren’t fuming right now.

Trump helped make clear how deeply divided this nation is. That won’t go away with Biden & Harris.

White supremacist are real & angry now.
Trump will continue to fan the flames of division all the way to the end.

Decency has never been his thing, and it isn’t for his supporters either. They voted for him. Which means to whatever degree they agree with his approach.

Expect pushback from them in the days ahead.
America has always been the country we’ve seen for the last 4 years through a Trump presidency. It will be that tomorrow, and the day after.

Which means we have to protect ourselves and be careful of our surroundings. Everybody in the crowd isn’t a supporter. Know this.
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Net dit artikel gelezen. In Maart zei ik dit al. In April liet de data het zien (London, VS). In Juni was er amper specifieke voorlichting voor deze groepen 'niet nodig'. Het resultaat bewijs zich. Dat ligt ook vaak aan politiek waar te weinig oog is voor dit deze groepen.
Als het gaat om ziekte worden deze gemeenschappen altijd harder getroffen, feit. Ongeacht kleur overigens. (dat ligt meer aan taal, bereik, onderwijs, socioeconomische status, sociale bubbels dan iets anders). Daarom moet je de lange termijn strategie ook goed uitdenken.
Kan er epistellen over volschrijven en misschien doe ik dat wel een andere keer voor nu wil ik vooral actie en strategien zien.

Read 7 tweets
To every outcast. To everyone they told find a different approach. To every person whose been told being you wasn’t enough, or being you was “too much”.

Stand in the light, speak the truth, and #KeepPushing we’ve got work to do. Don’t let the naysayers stop you. Image
I thank God daily that He’s allowed me to be true to me even in the moments no one else understood who I was. Everybody won’t understand you, or your why. That’s ok. Do you and let the chips fall where they may.
If your intentions are pure and your heart is right, you’ll see the promise. I love y’all, and I mean it. #LetsGoHigher
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America can continue to lace injustice with fancy words & sympathetic speeches.

Black people have known America’s justice system to be a lair from inception.

We know injustice when we see it. We ain’t stupid.

Kentucky & this nation have denied #BreonnaTaylor justice.
You can dress it in Black skin, with a degree, & a suit. Or you can put a hood on & burn a cross. Black people know America all too well.

Any system that allowed the slavery of other humans to exist is corrupted from the start. The founders built a nation to protect them.
It must be our dedication as Black people to never relent in our pursuit of a more just America.

We didn’t pick America, they picked us.

Therefore we have a right to fight. For #BreonnaTaylor and the countless others unjustly killed by the government.
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Still think it’s a game? Voter suppression is real.

On National Voter Registration Day the Louisiana Secretary of State let the Geaux Vote website go down for maintenance.

Knowing there would be national drives to push people to register to vote.
Louisiana is the second Blackest state in America. Meaning we have a higher percentage of Black voters than every state but Mississippi.

Still think it’s a game? People don’t try to take something from you that had no value. They know our power, so they want to block us.
Kyle Ardoin is a Trump supporter. Of course he doesn’t want more registered voters.

People telling you not to vote, or that your vote doesn’t matter. Remind them no one tries to steal from you what had no value.

We shall not be moved, but we will ring the alarm & #KeepPushing
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We are at war. Republicans don’t play fair.

Republicans are liars and cheats. We are watching them on video lie, back to back. Why? All they care about is power.
So people like Sen. Dianne Feinstein and those who feel like we shouldn’t go all out for the Supreme Court are a problem. We need to recognize that even most of our Democratic senators a rich, privileged, white folks who don’t have the same risk at stake.
If you are Black, everything we’ve fought for is on the line right now. It’s that serious.

We’ve got to stop pretending republicans give a damn about bi-partisan politics. They don’t. They want absolute control and power.
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Elections have consequences, we are watching them play out in real life.

Replacing Justice Ginsburg is a prime example of the consequences at stake from staying home for this election.

We don’t get to opt out for the part of this we don’t like.
This is the long game, and it requires our commitment to the act of voting. That’s foundational.

There are layers to this. And to those who are telling you not to vote. Or telling you they can’t take our rights.
Tell them, after reconstruction they stripped our rights for 100 years. We have seen America use the courts against us. We’ve seen America use it’s legislative powers against Black people. We have been one of the greatest casualties of America’s racism.
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We need to make elected officials uncomfortable until Election Day & beyond.

People in public service need to have an understanding that we aren’t going to let them just rob us anymore. That if we are uncomfortable with the choices they make on our behalf,
that we will make them uncomfortable.

The stakes are high, and I’m committed to standing up to fight for the future. Our children deserve better than what we are seeing. Change doesn’t just happen, we make change happen. #KeepPushing #LetsGoHigher
Shoutout to @rolandsmartin for having me on his panel today. Gratitude brother.
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How we respond to the fall of our people says more about us, than it does about their actions.

I’ve been lied on, lied to, and even had people to lie for me when I didn’t ask them to do so.

I’ve seen people make memes of me, ridicule me and had friends sit in silence.
So when I see other Black people being discussed in a negative way I ask myself a few questions.

How does my voice help or hurt Black people in this moment?

Is this a public issue or should it be private?

Should this even matter to our community?
If my voice isn’t needed, it doesn’t hurt Black people directly, or it’s a private issue, I stay out of it.

Unless you are bringing harm to my people, I’ve got better things to do than sit in the comments dragging other Black people.

America does enough of that.

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Don’t play All-star of NFL champ games in states w qualified immunity.
When we talk about being strategic in our fight if the @NBA & the @NFL want to really support Black Lives, tell states you won’t play the all-star game & championships in states with qualified immunity (IGTV)
Start hitting these cities and states in the pockets. If a state is going to protect killers hit their pockets.

Any major company or industry can do the same thing.
We’ve got to make these people pay for supporting killer cops and creating laws that protect them when they kill citizens. #KeepPushing #LetsGoHigher
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The Celestine Twins 16 have been unjustly harmed by Police in Lafayette a taser used on one teen in June, & beat up the other just this weekend. Mayor @JoshGuilloryUSA needs to get control of his police and fire bad cops. Here is his email:
The mayor needs to understand the country is concerned about what happens to Black citizens in his city. He can’t hide behind rhetoric. We see what’s taking place because other brave citizens are filming your police since your department won’t release tax payer funded body camera
All people want is equal treatment under the law. If these were white teens in your neighborhood would the actions of your officers be justified against white teens? Over policing is bad policing.

Stay vigilant and #KeepPushing
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Don’t get caught up on Joe Biden or Donald Trump, it’s deeper than that.

When a cop kills you, the president can’t arrest the cop or file charges. Your local mayor, chief of police, and district attorney control that. It’s levels to this.
Which is why we have to vote in every election.

Give me your ear for a second and let’s go deeper. Don’t assume we all know this, because we don’t. Yet we can spread this truth and enlighten those who seek it,
and maybe motivate others to #KeepPushing while we work to make this change happen. #LetsGoHigher
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The “justice system” has no issue bringing charges against Black men and women.

That’s why the courts proceeded with Jacob Blake’s previous charges.

It’s proof that if the system wanted to deal with the cop who shot him, they could. They would, if justice were equal.
But Justice is not equal in America.

That’s why 100+ days later Breonna Taylor’s killers are free.

It’s why #JaceBoyd is out on bond after murdering Danny Buckley.

There is no shortage of comparisons, the list is long.
That’s why we fight.

It’s why protestors are in the streets, and change in our atmosphere.

It is my hope that our righteous fight will ensure it won’t be much longer a night, until Justice is equal for all.

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I ran for office last year. Voter turnout was 45% in a majority Black district.

People say run for office, we do. Good people are on the ballot & we have folks ONLY focusing on the top of the ticket. The presidential race.

That’s flawed logic. Let me explain.
Black folks are getting slaughtered by police, controlled by mayors and city councils. If we want change, vote for more progressive mayors and city council members.

Trump and Biden are distractions honestly.
The real issue is our local politics is failing us because it’s copying our national politics.

Your school board is why your kids attend failing schools.

Your city council is why your street has potholes.

Your state legislature is why cops have qualified immunity.
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#DannyBuckley deserves Justice. Here are the demands. Attorney Ryan Thompson joined by the family of Mr. Danny Buckley, spoke yesterday at a vigil in honor of Mr. Buckley.

These simple demands are for transparency and equity.

(Demands in following tweets)
1.For all City/Parish to release all video & 911 tapes.

2.For the EBRP District Attorney’s Office to Bill/Charge #JaceBoyd with Illegal Use of a Weapon.

3.For the EBRP District Attorney’s Office to take the charge of 2nd Degree Murder to the Grand Jury immediately.
4.For the U.S Attorney’s Office to arrest #JaceBoyd for any federal crime.

Share, and help elevate the conversation. The powers that be are always counting on us to move on, so they can also. #KeepPushing
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In 2016 when we attempted police reform there was a critical vote and Tara Wicker abstained from several votes to reform the police department. It lead to those issues being deferred until after the 2016 elections, the council ended up not approving a single reform to the police
department, in part because of Wickers votes or lack thereof. Then they created a group that has no power to be “ambassadors” for the department.

In 2018 there was a vacancy on the council. For the first time in HISTORY there was an opportunity to balance the Metro Council
here in Baton Rouge. Wicker went with “council tradition” against the overwhelming will of the Black community to send the vacancy appointment to the governor instead of allowing a bias council to decide. Tara Wicker voted against the majority of voices that appeared that night,
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Judge Kelly Balfour on the 19th JDC gave #JaceBoyd a $300k bond with NO CONDITIONS for a Second Degree Murder charge. I called the jail myself to find out the conditions of his bond.

Meaning if Boyd bonds out of jail he is free to roam the streets of Baton Rouge and kill again.
No ankle monitor, no curfew, ZERO conditions on his bond.

When Black people commit second degree murder they will almost always have conditions on their bond.

If you want to understand how the system is rigged in the favor of white people, here it is.
It was designed to help these people and harm us.

This confederate loving bigot, who killed an unarmed Black elder can bond out and be any where. Maybe Judge Balfour thinks he’s not a threat, maybe not to white people....
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Nat Turner was an American hero. The Deacons of Defense were necessary. The Black panthers were necessary.

Too often I’ve watched Trump have known racist support him. He’s taken some with him to the White House.
Black people, stop running from the “radicals” in our community. There is nothing radical about loudly demanding justice, equity, and progress for our people. There is nothing radical about calling our America’s bull. There is nothing radical about self defense.
It’s American as apple pie.

If we as a people are going to defeat those who seek to keep us oppressed we need ALL OF US. The rich and the poor. The old and the young. The loud and the quiet. The activist and the scientist. The teacher and the entertainer. We need US ALL.
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And don’t blame activist and advocates who have been telling you for years this country needs to change. That policing needs to change. Don’t blame us. We’ve been peaceful. You still killed us.
You won’t be able to send Rev. out to calm the frustration of a people unheard and ignored year after year. This ain’t on us.

Pence the POLICE let #KyleRittenhouse cross state lines after he committed murder.
Police let #JaceBoyd lay in his damn bed another night after killing #DannyBuckley. You won’t call out these white killers by name, because they support republicans.
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Alright, the Players in the @NBA just set the example.

College football players in the @SEC you’ve got the power to stop the machine that is college football.

No more practice until we see change happen. If you all unite, one team at a time — we force their hand.
They love to watch you play football, but if you get away from that campus and encounter a cop that doesn’t know you — it can end for you in seconds. Just like #TrayfordPellerin. You and your girl can be sleep in bed and they kill her like they did #BreonnaTaylor.
If they love football so much, make them see your humanity.

When we stop their sports, we impact their money.

People will criticize you, people will tell you what you’ll miss.

You will gain the change we all seek. Liberation has a price. #KeepPushing
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