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Nov 2nd 2020
1. #TRUMP supporters across the country are turning out in HUGE numbers not only to see a #TrumpRally but also to participate in a #TrumpCaravan or a #TrumpParade this was ours a few weeks ago #TrumpCountry 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
2. Massive Jewish #TrumpParade passes by Trump Tower on 5th ave in the heart of NYC!! #Trump2020 #JewsForTrump
3. So many Trump parades in New York today! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 #Trump2020 #TrumpParade #Trump2020Landslide
Read 25 tweets
Jul 14th 2020
It appears that @parscale is using his position as Trump’s campaign manager to manipulate the outcome of the Republican run-off election in #Texas #CD23.
Tony Gonzales vs Raul Reyes (1/9)
Both candidates have expressed their support for Trump, yet in an interview with the San Antonio Express on 9/30/19 , #Gonzales stated that he was “concerned by revelations of Trump’s entreaties to Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden.” (2/10)
In the same article, #Gonzales stated that “he hadn’t fully developed a position one way or the other on the upcoming #impeachment proceedings.” (3/10)
Read 10 tweets
Jun 28th 2020
THREAD: A lot of people in #Texas have been complaining about the masks. It is unconstitutional to mandate that people wear masks. We have laws. These orders are not laws. #FakeNewsMediaClowns reporting spikes in #COVID19TX cases, but why are they telling us only half-truths?
98% of the infected have recovered. With such a high #RecoveryRate, why do we even need a vaccine for this? There is manipulation at all levels of U.S. institutions going unchecked in order to control us with fear. Mask-wearing mandate isn't law. We have laws. We're not China!
Replace #COVIDIDIOTS #Democrats Kirk Watson/ex-Travis County Judge Lockdown Queen Eckhardt/anti-@ICEgov Ex-TX House Rep Eddie Rodriguez w/ @DonZimmermanATX
✅ LOCATIONS… #Election2020
✅ Early #VoteRed June 29, Mon
Read 4 tweets
Jun 7th 2020
If Texas Democrats flip the state legislature this November, that means Republicans don’t get to draw gerrymandered maps like this anymore. #TurnTexasBlue
The reason #TX35 was drawn this way was to pack as many people of color, young & progressive voters into one district as possible to dilute their votes so the GOP wins more Congressional seats. Multiple courts deemed it discriminatory & unconstitutional. But SCOTUS upheld it. 😡
Here's another beauty -- Dan Crenshaw’s district. Often described as Bart Simpson taking a dump.
Read 8 tweets
Jul 22nd 2019
🙄#WindyWendy Davis aka #AbortionBarbie is challenging US Rep Chip Roy TX District 21.

RNC better pull out all stops. D21 is one of 6 US Congressional Districts other than Sen Cornyn's the DNC is targeting 2020.

@GOPChairwoman @parscale @realDonaldTrump
This is TX Hill Country which Chip won by only 3 points in 2018 as a newcomer to political office but in political and legal advisory and federal prosecuting roles and assistant AG roles.
I may not agree with every vote he has cast, but he's a damn sight better than disgusting WindyWendy Davis.

I'm sure people also remember her gold digger past, too. @chiproytx…
Read 7 tweets
Jul 21st 2018
#GOPComplicit incumbents represent their donors over constituents.

🇺🇸All states have a moment
🔴All #GOPTraitors have a thread
💵Top donors tagged to rep(s)
📰Negative news in each thread

🔎from:batmanresist ST## / STSEN

Hold them accountable for their actions.
Read 76 tweets

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