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Jul 24th 2021
À H+12 c’est le mmt de faire le point s/ ma nuit en regul du #SAMU. Alors, à ma grande déception, bcp bcp de #Covid_19 et de #DeltaVariant qui commencent à appeler car symptomatiques. Jeunes souvent, non vaccinés pour plus de 95% des appels. Certains (un bon 1/4 des appels), 1/n
Transportés vers les #urgences pour bilan car hypoxiques au bilan de l’ambulance ou de #SOSMedecins. Une partie a été hospitalisée en secteur #covid sous #Oxygene. Dans mon souvenir, quand les appels au #SAMU et à la #PDSA ont décollé comme cela, on était à 7-10 jours 2/n
du décollage exponentiel des #hospitalisations. SAUF QUE cette fois ci les équipes sont lassées et épuisées. Que notre @CHRU_de_Nancy a dû fermer 3x plus de lits par manque de soignants et de médecins. Que la situation est identique, voire pire, dans les CH voisins (les urg 3/n
Read 11 tweets
Mar 31st 2021
Buckin' #TouThao doesn't need any damned water if #GeorgeFloyd didn't get any air! We're having #DerrickChauvin's trial now, but you're not forgotten #Thao, you should've stopped the other 3 from #murdering #GeorgeFloyd, but you helped them! #ConvictThao!
At 09:30 #TouThao says he was taught #CPR at the police academy, recertified every two yrs. Why didn't he pull that skill out of his ass during #TheMurderOfGeorgeFloyd? The first thing they teach you is to take a pulse, did he take #GeorgeFloyd's pulse?
This meeting takes place in August 2020, it's warm in Minnesota in August, and #TouThao is there voluntarily, he is not under arrest, so all five of these men are #CovidIdiots because they aren't having this meeting outside and with masks on.

Read 12 tweets
Nov 7th 2020
🔴 INFO - #Allemagne : Environ 200 à 300 néo-nazis proche du Parti national-démocrate d'Allemagne (#NPD) vont participer à une manifestation anti-confinement à #Leipzig.
Source vidéo : @PresseserviceRN
🔴 SUIVI - #Allemagne : Quelques dizaines de contre-manifestants #antifa viennent d'arriver, il y a un fort risque d'affrontement avec les néo-nazis aujourd'hui à #Leipzig. (🎥@ER_MV)
Read 11 tweets
Sep 25th 2020
Here is an example of exactly HOW NOT to design a study and publish.
A grp of #ayurveda vaidyas published:💡Clinical Improvement In #COVID19 #patients With Timely Intervention Of Panchagavya: Preliminary Finding
💵International Journal of Pharmacological Research
#MedTwitter Image
First, choice of #journal. Choose one indexed in valid scientific databases - eg @Scopus, Medline @NCBI, @embase, @EBSCO, @webofscience. International Journal of Pharmacological Research is indexed👇😶
Just bcoz its on Google doesn't mean its quality. #pseudoscience #fake
2/n Image
There R indexed and impactful journals charging #openaccess fee (eg @JHEP_Reports) if the institute can afford it. Most quality indexed, impactful journals (eg @HEP_Journal) dont have open access fee to publish, but #Subscription fee for persons to read #published study.
3/n Image
Read 14 tweets
Sep 20th 2020
What's the Italian word for schadenfreude?

To be clear, both Italy & US did very poorly. As we've seen in Belgium, etc., there's so much the best healthcare system can do when wrong public health policies were chosen.

Rather than blaming politicians, these Trump-apologists chose to blame front-line HCWs.
Read 3 tweets
Aug 29th 2020
Johan Giesecke. The gift that keeps on giving. 🧵👇

#Covid19Sverige #BytStrategiNu #COVIDIDIOTS Image
Tidigt i mars säger magkänslan att detta blir ungefär som en svår influensa (500-2000 döda) Image
Någon vecka senare har “uppdaterat sitt tänkande”. Detta är illa men det finns ingenting vi kan göra. Image
Read 20 tweets
Aug 18th 2020
Wuhan, China.
This is whats going on.
Pool party.
#COVID19 #COVIDIDIOTS ImageImageImageImage
Oh look!! China ..diversity reigns
"Youths...." Image
Read 3 tweets
Aug 15th 2020
You cant make this shit up about gullible people. Lie after lie and the government is still housing these refugees hell bent on a lifestyle upgrade at Kangaroo Point.

#covididiots. Image
Refugees: Escape muslim countries because they don't like the lifestyle.

White, leftist saviours - the Refugee protesters - support islam and want to embrace the 'muslim industry' in Australia, never critical.
3) Have you ever heard any of the detainess suffering under tortuous room conditions and bad cooking provided by the government speak about the horrors they left?

.... shhhhhhh
.... thought not.

- Kangaroo Point Hotel, protest, Refugees, Brisbane, Protesters 4bc newstalk
Read 3 tweets
Aug 9th 2020
African community complaining about/naming of the COVID infected x3 African "ladies" - So reports cheer squad publication The Guardian. Qld Human " Rights" commission contacted about covid related "racial hostility".… ImageImage
2) The African community know how media reports in Africa and reporting is ruthless in Asia towards foreigners.

If a foreigner does something it is front page news, possibly their address is printed and more. Grubby, low end, desperate community lawyers prob. Pushing this.
The old "backlash" BS again.

- Persecution paranoia, while returning back to the countries they fled for holidays.

- Untouchable syndrome. Brittle natured while not speaking out about offending.

- complicit with denials and support for #COVIDIDIOTS

- lacking responsibility.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 14th 2020
Re-imposition of #lockdown in #Kashmir, Propagandists cry foul

#COVID19India #Covid_19 #COVIDIDIOTS Image
In the wake of rising coronavirus cases in Jammu and #Kashmir authorities re-imposed #lockdown starting from 12July 20. The decision was taken after major spike in Covid cases were reported in one last week.…

#Covid_19 #COVID19India
The tourism industry is a major backbone of Kashmir’s economy, it brings jobs and income for the locals.
Administration to start tourism limited to those arriving by air only. RTPCR testing of all tourists compulsory…
Read 6 tweets
Jul 7th 2020
Read 210 tweets
Jun 28th 2020
THREAD: A lot of people in #Texas have been complaining about the masks. It is unconstitutional to mandate that people wear masks. We have laws. These orders are not laws. #FakeNewsMediaClowns reporting spikes in #COVID19TX cases, but why are they telling us only half-truths?
98% of the infected have recovered. With such a high #RecoveryRate, why do we even need a vaccine for this? There is manipulation at all levels of U.S. institutions going unchecked in order to control us with fear. Mask-wearing mandate isn't law. We have laws. We're not China!
Replace #COVIDIDIOTS #Democrats Kirk Watson/ex-Travis County Judge Lockdown Queen Eckhardt/anti-@ICEgov Ex-TX House Rep Eddie Rodriguez w/ @DonZimmermanATX
✅ LOCATIONS… #Election2020
✅ Early #VoteRed June 29, Mon
Read 4 tweets
Mar 28th 2020
These are the scenes at Delhi border of poor migrant workers from UP today. It breaks my heart. What is really going on in India? What is the government doing to help our poor?
People are hungry, thirsty, crying & dying, walking home to meet their families. Government Police are beating them. Not allowing them into states – turning them away.
The government sent special jet planes to China and Italy to bring back hundreds of Indians home. It was also good PR. Are these poor, not Indians? Do they deserve this? How can the world tolerate this? We must unite to stop this.

Read 7 tweets
Mar 25th 2020
Bold steps by PM @ImranKhanPTI
Inshallah we as a nation will fight this crises #COVIDIDIOTS #COVID19Pakistan #StayHome ImageImageImageImage
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Mar 24th 2020
Heathrow airport today. No controls, no checks and no social distancing. Flights from red zones have never been stopped. People jump straight onto the tube, Welcome to London!! @SadiqKhan @TfLTravelAlerts @HeathrowAirport @BorisJohnson @MattHancock #COVID19 #CoronavirusLockdown
And the Heathrow employee coming up to the camera laughing. Staff need to be trained
We need to ban any incoming flights from the USA too, seeing the lack of controls there and Trump's dangerous policies #COVIDIDIOTS @BBC @mrjamesob @Channel4News #lockdownuk
Read 4 tweets

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