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Feb 7th 2023
#Ukraine: Latest news updates from #UkraineWar: 1. RU making repeated attacks across P-66 road at #Kreminna & on UA positions in forest area W of city. RU also shelling on part of Kreminna urban area, which suggests some sort of UA presence. #tweet100 (Map: @ChuckPfarrer)
#Ukraine: 2. Multiple attacks along the #Svatove/#Kreminna axis suggest forecasted new RU offensive has already started. However, suicidal RU attacks have led to massive casualties. Record 1030 Russians died yesterday says UA, +14 tanks & 28 APV taken out of commission. #tweet100
#Ukraine: 3. At #Bakhmut, RU forces continue attacks NE & S of the city, but have not encircled it as of yesterday. Heavy street battles in the Zabakhmutka district. Short message from UA troops in the centre: #tweet100
Read 11 tweets
Feb 7th 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+349 (07/02) PdS2 - Théâtres

1/Dniepr, rive gauche, destructions
2/#Crimea, pyramidons
3/#Russie, corruption, dissensions & explosions

1/Dniepr, rive gauche, destructions

Les destructions d'objets militaires russes continuent patiemment

ici, un bombardement par drone et artillerie à #Kardashynka👇…

2/#Crimea, pyramidons

Les dents de dragon installées à #Armiansk 👇dans le nord de la #Crimea rappellent que la stratégie de la #Russie reste surtout défensive
Read 7 tweets
Feb 7th 2023
Hello and welcome to day 349 of #Russia's war of choice.

#Ukraine still defends valiantly, but the west's tardiness to act has placed them under severe pressure for the next 6 weeks until trained troops return with some new toys.

All the news in one thread, read on...
First the link to yesterday in case you were busy or just want a summary.

A lot of flim flam was written but actually you missed very little. Here's one of the shortest threads of the last 11 months so far:

#Ukraine #Russia

The clock is ticking if #Russia is to meet #Putin's 25th "deadline" (that's a guess, don't take me literally)

The little man with a big anger issue is clearly intent on taking all of Donbas before the anniversary, or 1 March latest.

British intel doesn't think they'll do it.
Read 20 tweets

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