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Jul 25th 2021

I’m probably going to get pelters in some quarters for this but I feel it needs to be said.

I’ve often defended the protest organisers, however, I feel yesterday they got it badly wrong in London. Damagingly so.
I’m going to tell you why👇🏻
When I attended the march back in April, the beauty was the sheer diversity of people in attendance (as I wrote about at the time).

June and July was the same. You don’t attract a diverse crowd like that by focusing on niche topics — you do it by targeting key central themes.
Themes like lockdown, like vaccine passports, and like bodily autonomy/mandatory vaccinations. Issues that have a solid foundation from which to argue our point of view; issues which, with some gentle persuasion, members of the public at large could/should get energised about.
Read 18 tweets
Jul 25th 2021
To all the media outlets around the 🌏, I know you see all the Anti lockdown & Vaccine Passport protest in #Canada, #Australia, #UK, #France & in #Italy, but you won't cover it b/c your masters won't let you. it's ok cause eventually you won't be able to ignore it.
#london #londonprotests #VaccinePassports #lockdown
#milan #Italy #VaccinePassports
Read 6 tweets
Apr 24th 2021
I’ll be honest as an ICU doctor this actually makes me want to cry. A gut punch for NHS staff everywhere tonight. I’m gutted 😔

#Antilockdown #Tootiredforthisshit

This is in Hyde Park. The thing that tears me up about this is we have been coming out of lockdown slowly to PREVENT a third wave and further lockdowns. This kind of selfish behaviour risks not only everyone’s safety but further lockdowns.

I can’t...I just can’t.
NHS staff are still living through the trauma of the last year. This is a slap in face for all us and for everyone who has lost friends, colleagues and family members. Why can’t these people just go and have a beer in a nice pub garden?

Read 3 tweets
May 30th 2020
1/Last night a Police station was taken over by protesters and demolished. The Police had to flee
Read 151 tweets

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