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Jan 3rd 2019
0/ On a day that marked the 10th anniversary of the #Bitcoin #blockchain, the #crypto ecosystem has been ripe with updates and releases.

Below, I've pieced together a 15-part thread filled with developments from the past day or two. Hope it proves helpful!
1/⌛️ #Mimblewimble-based privacy #cryptocurrency BEAM (@BEAMprivacy) is scheduled to launch on mainnet today at 14:00 GMT!

The wait is over! Find out all about the release in the following announcement.…
2/ 🗣️ @NEOErikZhang (Co-Founder & Core Developer, @NEO_Blockchain) shared that NEO's developers are on the verge of completing a slew of improvements re its dBFT consensus algorithm.

A release before next month's #NEOdevcon2019, perhaps?
Read 17 tweets
Oct 22nd 2018
@claudiorlandi @rbkhmrcr @AarhusUni @uclisec Abstract:
* QuisQuis provides both a relatively small state footprint with comparison to ever growing chains Zcash & Monero (similar to Bitcoin UTXO set)
* QuisQuis provides plausible deniability - a user can deny he's part of a tx (in contrast to Zcash, similar to Monero)
@claudiorlandi @rbkhmrcr @AarhusUni @uclisec Proofs are reasonably computationally light (much lighter than Zcash's zk-SNARKs), and small in size (~13kb, still larger than Monero's post-bulletproofs which are 3.7kb).
@claudiorlandi @rbkhmrcr @AarhusUni @uclisec Me:
Scalability (smaller state footprint): better than #Zcash & #Monero, definitely not better than #MimbleWimble.
Privacy: same as Monero & MW, worse than Zcash in theory, better than Zcash in practice (small usage of shielded txs due to overhead).

CC: @grinMW @beamprivacy
Read 4 tweets
Jan 28th 2018
1\ Have you heard this reasoning? "#Ethereum is better than #Bitcoin because it can do more." => "The EVM is Turing-complete and Bitcoin Script isn't, so Ethereum is a better cryptocurrency." => "Bitcoin's creators were too early/stupid/blind to make Bitcoin Turing-complete."
2\ This is a blatant misunderstanding! To a non-technical person, Turing-completeness and being able to compute anything is *obviously* better. But programmers know that Turing-completeness is Pandora's box: you don't know what it contains and you can't close it once opened...
3\ ...Turing-completeness is like a nuclear explosion. Once the threshold density/temperature is breached, fission fuel self-ignites and explodes. The hard part isn't blowing past the threshold, but staying as close to it as possible: energy => criticality => balance => control.
Read 10 tweets

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