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Apr 22nd 2023
76. Want to know how to use ChatGPT to help prepare tasks for your #eal #mll #ell?
@dodiscimus has prepared and shared this practical guide with examples of the questions asked and responses, really useful to see what to ask and what can be done
77. ChatGPT with any PDF, thanks to @NikPeachey for sharing this.
#eal #ell #mll
78. Thank you to @ESL_fairy for these wonderful multilingual resources. #eal #ell #mll…
Read 8 tweets
Aug 5th 2020
1/ I get the characterization of remote learning as a win.

It makes sense only bc our country has allowed politicians to turn the safety & mortality of human beings into a political contest. #COVID19 #SafeReopening
2/ Students, community groups, parents, and @CTULocal1 organized to force the mayor into making the best decision.

We shouldn’t have had to make her make that decision. An #ERSB should hv made the decision already. But, this is Chicago. #MakeItMakeSense
3/ Honestly, once #Trump said re-open schools, the decision was obvious. But, #CPS and #MLL 🤷🏾‍♀️

Victory lap? Nah. Imma pass. We still hv an extraordinary amount of work before us. #RemoteLearning
Read 8 tweets
Aug 1st 2020
#Thread Mayoral control of #CPS has been an unmitigated disaster—#Daley, #RahmHatesUs & #MLL. Mayoral control has failed every single stakeholder in #CPS. #ERSBNow 1/
#MayoralControl has birthed some of the worst EDU policies ever.
50 schools closed.
Failed privatization schemes.
Scores of Black women educators fired.
Schools w/o nurses.
Schools w/o libraries & librarians.
The list is seems endless. #MakeItMakeSense 2/
Now another mayor & their handpicked board intends to bless a re-opening plan that puts everyone & their “mommas” in harms way. #MakeItMakeSense #ERSBNOW 3/…
Read 10 tweets
May 14th 2020
#Thread 1/ While #Lightfoot was on a brief spring break trip, #Pritzker was pressuring the mayor *behind* the scenes to call off the city’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade, which the mayor did *after* cutting her vacation short. 🥴 #Covid19 #Vacation…
2/ There was a debate about canceling a PARADE when we knew that #Covid19 was killing ppl? An actual debate abt: “Do we allow for mass death or...not?” WOW. Just wow. #COVID19
3/ #KeepSchoolsOpenMyA$$ When Pritzker closed schools across the state the first time around, he did it hours after Lightfoot vowed to keep Chicago Public Schools open. #MayoralControl #ERSBNOW
Read 13 tweets
Dec 10th 2019
#Thread (a very long one) Yesterday, I visited the new Englewood STEM High School. Remember the close 4 high schools and open 1 high school deal #MRE hand-picked BOE (not to be confused w/ #MLL unelected BOE) approved in 2018 against community wishes? Yes, that one!
2/ Driving up to the school I saw bleachers, a football field, a track, & then the modern structure that houses 400+ freshman students. Nice.
3/ Tho, I couldn’t help but wonder where all of the sophomores/juniors/seniors who live in Englewood attend school especially bc #CPS is proposing to close Hope & the ongoing battle to resource & support Harper properly.
Read 25 tweets

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