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Feb 28th 2022
On this date in 1976 the Polisaria Front declared the independence of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), liberating the region from Spanish colonialism.

#SADR #History #OnThisDate #OnThisDay #WesternSahara
The neighboring Kingdom of Morocco, however, occupied the state and laid claim to most of it. 15,000 to 20,000 have been killed in the struggle for SADR's independence, a conflict that is still smoldering.

Since 1979, the United Nations has recognized the Polisario Front as the representative of the people of Western Sahara, and considers Morocco as an occupying force, although the SADR is not recognized as a state by the UN.

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Jan 31st 2022
#OTD in 1865 the Thirteenth Amendment passed the House of Representatives, sending it to the states for ratification. The Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in the United States “…except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted."
The amendment ended race-based chattel slavery in America, but did not rid the nation of forced labor, which exists through America’s prison system today. #13thAmendment #Constitution #slavery #HistoryMatters #CivilWar #USCivilWar #AmericanCivilWar #PoliticalHistory #knowhistory
Congress abolished slavery in Washington D.C. in 1862. The Emancipation Proclamation outlawed slavery in rebelling states Jan. 1, 1863 and former rebel states were forced to ban slavery in new state constitutions. Republicans in Congress still wanted a Constitutional Amendment.
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Jan 24th 2022
#OTD in 1861 a fugitive enslaved person named Sara Lucy Bagby became the last person to be returned to their owner under the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. It is unclear when Bagby was born but she was sold in January of 1852 in Richmond to John Goshorn for $600 dollars.
Bagby (More commonly known as Lucy), escaped to Ohio via the Underground Railroad in 1860 and settled in Cleveland. For a short time, she worked as a domestic servant for Republican congressman Albert G. Riddle and as a jeweler
She was arrested on January 19, 1861 and was returned to Goshorn on the 24th. However, After the Emancipation Proclamation in early 1863, Bagby made her way to Pittsburgh, married a man named George Johnson, and relocated with him to Cleveland. Bagby died on July 14th, 1906.
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Jan 24th 2022
#OTD in 1848 gold was found at Sutter’s Mill, California. This spurred the California Gold Rush, as northern Free-Soilers and pro-slavery Southerners both flocked to the new territory acquired through the Mexican-American War. #OnThisDay #OnThisDate #TodayInHistory #GoldRush
The battle over California’s fate as a free or slave state ignited intense debate in Congress, deepening the divide between the free North and the slave South. #California #Slavery #CaliforniaHistory
The prospect of a free California threatened to upset the even balance between free and slave states, something that southern slaveholders were unwilling to accept without certain concessions. The issue was temporarily resolved through the Compromise of 1850.
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Apr 20th 2020
#OnThisDate 2010 an explosion on the #DeepwaterHorizon drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico set into motion one of the largest environmental disasters in our nation’s history.
This 3D tabletop map (INTR 07593) showing the Gulf region--now in our @InteriorMuseum collection--was produced in the early days of the incident response to serve as a visual aid at daily briefing sessions. (2/3) 3D topographic map of the G...
Today marks the #DWH10Years anniversary, and much has changed in terms of prevention, preparedness and restoration. To learn more:

#RestoringtheGulf #CoastalRestoration

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Apr 16th 2020
#OnThisDate in 1936, a public ceremony was held for laying the cornerstone of @Interior's current headquarters building (Federal Public Works Project No. 4).

(Thread 1/5) #MuseumMoment #MuseumFromHome #VirtualVisit #OTD

📷 INTR 07449 Aerial image of crowd atten...
Various dignitaries were in attendance, including President Franklin Roosevelt, architect Waddy Wood, Interior Secretary Harold Ickes (left), and chair of the National Capital Park and Planning Commission Frederic A. Delano (right).


📷 INTR 07447 Interior Secretary Harold I...
In his prepared remarks, Secretary Ickes said, "This new building represents much more to us than merely better and more desirable office space; . . . it is to us a symbol of a new day." (3/5)

📷 INTR 07442 Secretary Ickes giving rema...
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Jan 17th 2019
#OnThisDate in #Aviation: Jan. 17, 2008, @British_Airways Flight 38 crashed just short of the runway @HeathrowAirport. Thanks to the incredible training and professionalism of all involved, plus a little luck, there were no fatalities. #AvGeek #Safety #BA38 (Thread)
AUDIO: Listen to the chilling ATC recording of the #BA38 incident.

The calm and cool professionals in the @HeathrowAirport Tower, along with the rest of their @NATS colleagues, performed exceptionally. #Heroes

LISTEN: > > >

#AvGeek #Safety
INSIGHT: To better understand the #BA38 event from the inside, you can read @NATS' post "MAYDAY MAYDAY – The untold story of BA38 from the controller on duty."

> > >

#AvGeek #ATC
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