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Aug 19th 2020
.@Facebook is rejecting a request to deliver posts to a genocide investigation into the Myanmar army's attacks on #Rohingya Muslims. The information could help to prove Myanmar’s genocidal intent. #OpRohingya
In 2018, Facebook acknowledged it was used to “foment division and incite offline violence” in Myanmar. In 2016 & 2017, Myanmar soldiers & militias massacred #Rohingya; raped women and girls and razed villages, displacing more than 800,000. #OpRohingya…
Previously, in 2013, Anonymous and activists drew international attention to the Rohingya genocide and prevented a massacre at the time. #OpRohingya
Read 3 tweets
Jun 10th 2020
Gambia has filed a federal suit to compel Facebook to provide info related to personal accounts of Myanmar officials.

Gambia plans to use it to prove Rohingya genocide case pending at the International Court of Justice. (🗒️ @SeamusHughes) #OpRohingya… ImageImageImageImage
Previously Facebook was used to incite hate crimes, murders, and genocide against the Rohingya; Facebook refused to take down instigator's accounts for a very long time. #OpRohingya…
In 2013 the Rohingya genocide was exposed at the international level thanks to Anonymous and Heather Marsh through #OpRohingya, stopping a massacre.…
Read 4 tweets
Jul 28th 2019
What is #OpDeathEaters, what are our goals, and what have we achieved so far? A thread index to our work.
#OpDeathEaters was founded by Heather Marsh (@GeorgieBC) in 2014 as a continuation and amalgamation of earlier operations such as #OpGabon, #OpRohingya, #OpCanary, #OpGtmo, and many others she had previously initiated.… Image
@GeorgieBC #OpDeathEaters was initially supported by a wide variety of regional accounts and human rights groups and received extensive international media coverage.
Read 27 tweets

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