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Jun 4th 2023
The Power of Pride: A Thread of Love, Resilience, and Celebration 🌈

In the vibrant month of June, we come together to celebrate Prideβ€”a time of love, acceptance, and liberation. Let's embark on a heartfelt journey to explore the origin and profound meaning behind Pride Month,…… Image
Pride Month traces its roots back to the Stonewall Uprising of 1969, when LGBTQ+ individuals stood up against discrimination and fought for their right to exist authentically. This pivotal moment in history ignited a flame that still burns brightly today. #Stonewall50
Pride emerged from the pain and struggle faced by LGBTQ+ people who were marginalized, oppressed, and denied their basic human rights. It stands as a symbol of resilience, a testament to the indomitable spirit that rises in the face of adversity.
Read 12 tweets
Jun 2nd 2023
Today's parental pushback against the gay Pride flag was a success!

A minimum of 6 provinces (BC, AB, SK, ON, QC, NB) + the Yukon participated in the National "Pride" Flag Walk-Out Day, with parents keeping their kids home from school in protest.

#PrideFlag #SayNo #cdnpoli

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We also held or promoted five PRAY-IN events at the offices of the Catholic Bishops in Toronto, Ottawa & Hamilton, plus the @TCDSB and @niagaracatholic School Boards.

Signs included "Yes to Jesus, No to Pride".

#PrideFlag #cdnpoli

/2 Hamilton Pray-In @ Bishop C...Toronto Pray-In at office o...Ottawa Pray-In event at off...Pray-In event at the head o...
Our favourite photo from today!

A poignant message to Canada's Catholic Bishops.

#PrideFlag #SayNo

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Read 5 tweets
Jun 29th 2022
Here is a round-up of #PrideMonth with The Hindu.
We take you through all the inspiring stories we've come across this month and how different cities in India and the world celebrated #PrideMonth2022.
#PrideMonth | A 24-year-old woman in #Gujarat's #Vadodara city married herself by undergoing traditional rituals of a Hindu wedding.
#KshamaBindu, who identifies as #bisexual, claims that her marriage will be the first instance of #sologamy in India.
#PrideMonth | What does meaningful inclusion look like? How can corporations prove their allegiances to the great, grand cause of #queer liberation? A nondescript bakery in a sleepy #Juhu lane in #Mumbai shows us.
Read 13 tweets
Jun 25th 2020
Meet Suzi Boum, Israel's favorite drag queen!
Suzi shares her personal story, insights about the #dragqueen community in #Israel, and more! Happy Pride Month πŸ₯° #RainbowTalksIsrael #LoveisLove
#RainbowTalksIsrael πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ is the @IsraelinSF #PRIDE2020 project. Join us to learn more about the #LGBTQ community in #Israel, from some of their most outstanding members. Each member represents a different color of the #Prideflag. Suzi represents- Yellow for Sunlight!
Music Credits:
"Ain't No Mountain" by Offer Nissim Present: The Bitches
"Everybody Needs A Man" by Offer Nissim
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