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Mar 15th 2023
This is a threaded version of Chapter 14:

“The Twelfth Descent—Accumulation:”

of *Prodigal Human: The Descents of Man*

by Michael Adzema.

READ CH THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK...

READ BOOK…… #psychology #greed #devolution #possession

PH 14/1 ImageImage
Chapter 14 is subtitled,

“The “Domestication” of Humans—

“The Ability to Store Things Changes Everything for Prehistoric Humans...But Not in the Way We Thought It Did—

“Eden Stormed...The Rich Begin Calling the Tune”

THREAD #psychology #greed

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[*Quotes/highlights:*] “This tragic, life-diminishing spinoff of our ability to gather & accumulate excessive ‘things’ was a desire to control even those of our own species: Our fellow humans became the last targets of our mania for control.” []…

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Read 97 tweets
Feb 24th 2023
This is a threaded version of Chapter 13:

“The Eleventh Descent—Sedentary Life...Drudgery & Labor:”

of *Prodigal Human: The Descents of Man*
by Michael Adzema.

READ CH THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK...

READ BOOK…… #psychology #devolution

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Chapter 13 is subtitled,

“In Nature We Played & Had Ease;

“No One’s at Fault for Our Falls But We Are Now Responsible...

“The Fearful Planetmate”

THREAD… #psychology #devolution #anthro #sedentary #evolution #work #civilization #labor #play

PH 13/2
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life: thorns also & thistles shall it bring forth to thee;”

READ/DWL BOOK… #psychology #devolution #anthro #sedentary #evolution #work

PH 13/3
Read 121 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
This is a threaded version of Chapter 12:

“The Eleventh Descent—Sedentary Life...

"Sickness & Suffering:”

of *Prodigal Human: The Descents of Man*

by Michael Adzema.

READ CHAPTER THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK...

READ BOOK>… #psychology

PH 12/1
Chapter 12 is subtitled,

“Eden Scorned—

“With Sedentary Living & Its Restricted Options for Sustenance, We Forego Perfect Assistance for Health of Body & Mind,

"Which Has Horrible Consequences”

THREAD #psychology #devo #health #civilization

PH 12/2
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “Human Instinct, Comfort Feeding, & the Suffering Ape:

"Why would we “eat the apple”...

"that is, go it on our own with agriculture?

"Why would we defy Divine Providence in making our lots more painful or difficult?”…

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Read 167 tweets
Jan 19th 2023
“The 11th Descent—Sedentary Life...Homesteading:

“Breaking w Divine Providence & Going It on Our Own, We Begin the Diminished Living of Civilization”

is Ch 11

of *Prodigal Human*

by M. Adzema

READ CH THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK...…

PH 11/1
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “We imagined a devil in the Divine countenance, quite the contrast to our experience as primal humans when we perceived that on the opposite side of every face of fiendishness was a beatific one.”

READ BOOK… #devolution

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“[Chapter 9 text begins:] *Sedentary Lifeways—More Constrained, More Controlling, Leads to Apocalypse….*”

READ/DWL BOOK…… #devo #psychology #sedentary #anthro #homesteading #evolution #civilization #anthropology #control #nomadic #consciousness

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Read 193 tweets
Dec 17th 2022
“The Tenth Descent—Husbandry:

“The Progression of Increasing Insensitivity, Increasing Dimming of Awareness Allowed the “Domestication of Animals”

is Ch 10

of *Prodigal Human*

by Michael Adzema

READ CH THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK...…

PH 10/1
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “ …enslavement of our family in Nature was an abominable affront to their nobility & was a scar on human character:… Our increasing drive to control made us abominations in Nature.” []

READ BOOK… #devolution #psychology

PH 10/2
“[Chapter 9 text begins:] *Out of Anxiety, Humans Cheat in the Game of Life*

“In due time, this time not long at all, after we humans “conquered” the Flora Empire on Earth, we began “conquering” fellow planetmates of the Fauna Kingdom.”


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Read 154 tweets
Dec 8th 2022
Longer daily #sedentary time increases the risk of #Knee, #Hip and #back #pain

1. 20-25% of people aged 50 or more suffer from orthopedic problems such as knee joint pain, hip joint pain, back pain and knee stiffness. Sedentary lifestyle is a major risk factor for them.
2. In a recent study, men with sedentary time of 7.5 hours or more/day had 45% higher risk of orthopedic problems as compared to those with daily sedentary time of <7.5 hours.
#MedTwitter #ortho
3. A pink-collar job, physical inactivity during leisure time, and passive (e.g. riding in a car or train) versus active (e.g. walking or riding a bicycle) transportation- were more commonly associated with orthopedic problems in people with daily sedentary time >7.5 hours.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 13th 2020
Interesting to see new @CIHI_ICIS data for #nurses in 🇨🇦. If interested in reading some of the work that has stemmed from our Champlain Nurses' Study @CNursesStudy and WALK Study see summary and links below: #womens ♥️ health
1. Our main paper examining the health & #physicalactivity levels of #nurses in the Champlain region of Ontario, 🇨🇦 (open access)
w/ @SPrinceWare @DrAndrewPipe @adamolab @doug_manuel @MullenKerri @Breid57Reid
2. The Impact of Web-Based Feedback on Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Health of #nurses Nurses Working in a Cardiovascular Setting: A Randomized Trial (open access):…
w/ @CHeartsTrees @Brunet_Jen @Breid57Reid @DrAndrewPipe
Read 10 tweets

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