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Mar 29th 2023
Nick Robinson leads by blaming the NHS for the problems with the NHS.


The root cause of #NHS problems is 13 years of managed decline by @Conservatives

A significant contributory factor is #Brexit

You are #fakenews

We see you

@bbcnickrobinson @BBCRadio4Today5
Coming later at 8.10 Robinson will groom @DominicRaab live on @BBCRadio4

#bullying #raab #ToryFacistsOut

p.s. why is #SHARP
still in post?

And #Braverman ???
Oh BREX Ship !!!

Video answers to putting #migrants on #slave ships for #SuellaBraverman here

Read 5 tweets
Jan 31st 2023
The future of the #Ethereum network is looking bright with @StarkWareLtd's cutting-edge layer-2 solutions.

Get ready to experience a more streamlined #scaling process and faster, more efficient transactions.

What is Starkware?

@StarkWareLtd is a tech company developing #cryptographic proof systems known as Zk-STARKs. They aim to be #scalable and #transparent while ensuring data integrity through hash functions.

@StarkWareLtd offers two main products: @Starknet & #StarkEx.
Introducing @Starknet - a #decentralized, permissionless layer-2 solution for the #Ethereum mainnet. It reduces load on the mainnet and improves #scalability while retaining its security features.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 1st 2022
1/8 Hello my friends, it's been a while, but today I bring a new thread! It stars the handsome bugger pictured below. "But Rick," I hear your imaginary voices protest, "that's not a Pocket Computer!". Well right you are, sort of. #ポケコン Image
2/8 This beautiful #Sharp #IQ8200 comes courtesy of a nice chap in France. Although a great piece of kit, the real magic happens when you add this little IC-Card (#IQ871). A 128 KB #BASIC card which goes into the expansion slot on the Organizer. #ポケコン ImageImageImage
3/8 Well, would you look at that! BASIC! Although the card only has A-T descriptors marking the sensor keys, the functions are identical to the ones on the IQ-707 pictured. Except the 2ndF key which is NCR / NPR on this card. #ポケコン ImageImage
Read 9 tweets
May 22nd 2022
Recognised as the first online casino and sportsbook to be granted authorisation to operate in the regulated market of Colombia, WPlay has also been an active founder of the regulation of the legal betting market in the region, in #collaboration with Coljuegos. #manhattan #Sharp… WPlay becomes the latest operator to join iSoftBet’s impressive partner network, which has seen considerable growth over the past 12 months through commercial agreements with operators from regulated markets across the globe, such as WorldMatch, PokerStars, and Kaizen Gaming.Lars Kollind, Head of Business Development at iSoftBet, said: “WPlay is widely recognised as a pioneer in the Colombian market, and we are thrilled to be able to align our businesses with a deal of this nature.
Read 8 tweets
May 20th 2022
1/11. #StarkWare is one of the strongest internal force projects.

#Part 1⃣: Power of StarkWare
👉2/11 Team
👉3/11 Advisors
👉4/11 Backers
👉5-6/11 #zkSTARKs
👉7/11 What is #Cairo?
👉8/11 What is #SHARP?
👉9/11 Summary
👉10/11 Dev tools
👉11/11 Audit

#Part 2⃣: #SW ecosystem⏭️
2/11. #StarkWare Team
Co-founders are the top-notch Professor/Ph.D in computer science, math & zk technology. In addition, Starkware has 70 talented people who have profound backgrounds in technology 💪💪💪
3/11. Advisors:
Advisors are also outstanding individuals in the fields of science, economics and crypto. @naval @ethereumJoseph
Read 11 tweets
Sep 3rd 2021
Hello fine folks! I bring you a thread! A long one! Pictured here is a new addition to my collection; the #Sharp #PC1100 aka #EL6300. It's a combination Pocket Computer/calculator/database. 1/12 #ポケコン ImageImageImage
2/12 Sporting a clamshell case, the top half hosts the two line LCD display, the mode selector, power button, the numerical keypad and the keys for database functionality. It takes a lot of its design from the run-time Pocket Computers like the PC-1270. ImageImage
3/12 The bottom half is where your membrane keyboard sits. Typing on that keyboard is better than I expected, or at least better than the PC-1246S or 1248. It features an extremely reduced BASIC command set. Image
Read 13 tweets
Oct 20th 2020
3 meses atrás x medio d 1 hilo, expuse el nepotismo existente en Chile, emergent d una familia intachable cn los mejores valores éticos y morales del ciudadano, Los Hoffmann, hoy tnemos a todo un clan dependiendo del Estado LOS HOFFMANN, COLOMA Y ÁLAMOS / Con @MassielAraceli 1/24 Image
Debido a la crisis económca q golpeó al país, x Covid-19 se discutieron distintos temas sobre aportes monetarios para las persons. Dentro de ello, lo q marcó la pauta fue el retiro del 10%. Pepa Hoffmann dijo:"¿Cómo se atreven a jugar con la desesperación de la familias?... 2/24 ImageImage
¿Qué tiene de solidario este proyecto, es tanto la obsesión por causarle la derrota al Gobierno?" (15 de Julio de 2020). Dos semanas más tarde su Hermano, Tomás Hoffmann, fuera promovido desde Dirección Nacional del Servicio Civil, como Jefe de Gabinete a... 3/24 ImageImage
Read 32 tweets

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