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Nov 18th 2021
We all ♥️ #Paris where were it took place 1st presentation of incoming French Presidency to @EESC_PRESS! #PFUE2022 @CBeaune underlined this rare & precious opportunity, highlighting France's ambition to mark progress on #EU legislation, #climate #digitalisation #socialpolicy 1/1
The red thread of #PFUE2022 would be "Recovery, Power, Belonging" (“Relance, puissance, appartenance”). France would not impose an agenda, but would serve as an accelerator for the way forward on ideas and dossiers. #EU #Europe 1/2
#Recovery”- in economic terms, after the Covid pandemic; "#Power" - in terms of #security, external relations, #defence, #migratory policy, climate; and "#Belonging" - feeling of being part of the common #European political project. 1/3
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