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May 10th 2022
"If your goal is simply to mitigate the harmful impact loneliness can have on your health, what matters most is having at least one important person in your life — whether that’s a partner, a parent, a friend or someone else." -- Jeffrey Hall…
Missing in action: five issues the major parties are avoiding in the 2022 federal election…
#AustralianFederalElections, #ElectorateIssues, #CandidateDebate
Read 13 tweets
Jan 10th 2022
Looking for the best #programmingcareer & #teammanagement related videos from last year? Look no further, we have already selected them for you!🥳 Let us bring you up to speed with what was in the #mainstream last year, and choose your favorite!…
How to avoid failure in your agile retrospective?
@apaipi and @antz29 highlight the role of the facilitator as a team psychologist and what future #retrospectives can do for you.…
In search of the missing boredom by @mwohlmuth:
Key takeaways:
-The role of #technology in our life
-Take control of your information diet
-How to handle interruptions and context switching
-How to invite boredom back in your life…
Read 12 tweets
Jan 9th 2021
@nytopinion @karaswisher 1. #Trump should have been banned permanently from all #SocialMedia a long time ago. Say when he started promoting the #Birtherism malarkey. #SocialMedia & #TechCompanies played a role in the #CapitolRiot & they must own up to it! Their failure to monitor their platforms has…...
@nytopinion @karaswisher 2. allowed the lies and conspiracy theories to spread like wildfire. #SocialMedia needs #Regulation. The laws haven't kept up with the #Tech & they need to be updated. Perhaps if this had been done ages ago, all the crazy stuff that is out there wouldn't have such a large....
@nytopinion @karaswisher 3. audience! #SocialMedia & #TechCompanies must monitor individual accounts so that their services aren't used to bully or to spread misinfo or create terrorists groups here & overseas! Didn’t #SocialMedia play a role in the spreading of ISIS ideology? W/O #Regulation, all the...
Read 5 tweets
Nov 7th 2020
From a 2018 post till today
*Red pill ans receipts gang*

Feinstein husband = Richard Blum
Richard Blum = usps(United States Postal Service)
Richard Blum = Avid Technologies
Avid Technologies = Voting machines
Dominion = Clinton Global initiative
#Pilluminati Image
Diane Feinstein hubby Richard Blum ties to the USPS(United States postal service) Image
*post from August its simple math*

Remember all the money that the dems were throwing around at the USPS through the stimulus relief package fund👀👀 think they were just being nice???
Read 282 tweets

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