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Sep 12th 2020
1/ 22
By far the best book I have read in a long long time.
One can simply begin from any page,for each note makes so much sense that we get lost in them , sometimes chuckling & often amazed .

Here are MY learnings from
" A Book of Simple Living" by Ruskin Bond.
The book is enriched with life lessons . Most profound of all for me being ,

#Life is simple despite all its hardships and complexities .
For the purpose of life is to live ....

Now, how we choose to live our life makes it simple or complicated.

Do we chase #happiness by climbing infinite mountains in the quest for fame & wealth or do we savour the goodness in the little things that often come our way but go unnoticed and unappreciated by us ?
For ultimately , " It is the little things that matter the most ".
Read 23 tweets
Jul 10th 2020
Hi there!
My name is Cynthia Kadijah Olugbenga, I am a student of NOUN, My Faculty is Management science, Student of Bsc entrepreneur, I applied for NOUN Virtual Exams.

NOUN just released her time table for my faculty. In less than 2minutes, I generated my time table on PLENUM
PLUS; I set a reminder for my examination dates. I am so happy 😊 cos I won't be missing out on any examination.
You can download yours here:…

#TIMETABLE Generator
Read 3 tweets

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