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Nov 8th 2022
It's #TweetorialTuesday!Created by @NamithaNair24 and @KAgarwal899! Let's dive into a recent case from our CPC:
1/ 55 yo M w/ HTN presents with headache x 8 wks. Pertinent ROS and PE mentioned ⬇️
What could this be due to?
2/Firstly, can we group these symptoms into a syndrome?
3/ Yes! Let's try:
Combining it with the duration of the constellation of these symptoms, we are looking for causes of:
*Subacute hypopituitarism*
Read 12 tweets
Nov 1st 2022
1/ Ready for another #TweetorialTuesday from the @MedEdTwagTeam? Say no more #MedEd #MedTwitter friends!

This week we are launching our series on #SubspecialtyTeaching! Image
2/ If you’re a clinical teacher in a subspecialty & wanted to incorporate pearls from #TweetorialTuesday, you've probably said to yourself (like I did):

WHEN? My days have ZERO predictability
WHAT? My learners are all at a VERY different place
WHO? My team seems to change QOD
3/ In this series @JenniferSpicer4 and I will share strategies for YOU, focusing on teaching as a [sub]specialist.

Our scope:
🌟 Teaching as an inpatient CONSULTANT
🌟 Teaching the CONSULT team (team hoping to provide help)
🌟 Teaching the PRIMARY team (team asking for help)
Read 13 tweets
Jul 26th 2022
1/ “When you have time, can we look over one of my notes?”

Do you have an approach to teaching when learners ask for feedback on documentation? Check out the following thread for some high-yield tips!

#MedEd #MedEdTwagTeam #TweetorialTuesday #MedTwitter Image
2/ As a reminder, we are still in our series on inpatient teaching. I typically will teach about notes after rounds. Image
3/ First… in your opinion, how valuable is it for learners to receive feedback from notes?
#MedEd #MedTwitter #MedStudentTwitter
Read 14 tweets
Jul 19th 2022
1/ You’re prepping a 15min post-rounds talk on anticoagulation. To excite the crowd, you say, “This is going to be interactive!”

How do you avoid learners reflexively cringing,waiting to be “socratically” questioned?

#MedEd #MedTwitter #MedEdTwagTeam #TweetorialTuesday
2/ We are still covering teaching in the inpatient setting. Interactive teaching can be done in most settings, but I’ll focus on opportunities before/after rounds. We covered interactive teaching during rounds & @ bedside earlier this series
3/ When people say, “This session is going to be interactive,” a talk where learners are asked a series of ?s akin to the socratic method often comes to mind.

For this thread, I'd like to frame “interactive teaching” as below:
Read 14 tweets
Jul 5th 2022
1/ Last week, @ChrisDJackson dropped some serious 🔥tips on putting together the content of chalk talks. Check it out if you missed it ⬇️

Part 2 this wk will cover high yield delivery tips!

#MedEd #MedTwitter #MedEdTwagTeam #TweetorialTuesday Image
2/ As a reminder, we are still covering teaching in the inpatient setting. Again, chalk talks are fair game both during or after rounds, depending on how much time you have available Image
3/ We will cover the following tips for chalk talk delivery in this week’s🧵: Image
Read 16 tweets
Jun 14th 2022
1/ A new dx of cirrhosis…
Recurrence of cancer…
A Monday procedure is canceled & your pt waited since Friday…

We’re frequently the bearer of bad news in the hospital.

Today #MedEdTwagTeam shares tips on incorporating teaching when giving difficult news.

#MedTwitter #MedEd Image
2/ As a reminder, we are continuing our discussion inpatient teaching.

Last wk, we covered tips on teaching around family meetings:

This wk, we focus on teaching when delivering difficult news, which can also be done during rounds & routine patient care Image
3/ But 1st… what counts as “difficult news?” We often think of cancer or terminal illnesses.

But with the definition ⬇️ I think we can agree there are plenty of times when we may be delivering difficult news to patients without even identifying it as such. Image
Read 11 tweets
Jun 7th 2022
1/ Your intern on rounds: “I’m worried about Ms. H & think we need a family meeting.”

You mentally check your schedule to decide where to fit a 30-60 min family meeting AND make it a good learning experience.

#MedEdTwagTeam is back w tips on the latter!

#MedTwitter #MedEd Image
2/ As a reminder, we are continuing our discussion about opportunities for inpatient teaching after rounds. We return to the bedside this week to discuss teaching around family meetings Image
3/ What are your objectives for using the family meeting as a method of teaching?

Common areas for intentional skill-building with family meetings are highlighted 👇🏼 Image
Read 11 tweets
Apr 19th 2022
1/ You just admitted a patient with some really interesting pathology. You want to teach about it tomorrow on rounds. You know it is gonna be a busy day. What’s the plan?

Welcome back to #TweetorialTuesday from the @MedEdTwagTeam. Special S/O to our #MedEd & #MedTwitter friends!
2/ We are still in this “during rounds” section of our inpatient teaching block. Rounds are the CLASSIC time to drop pearls. But, doing it well takes thought and preparation.
3/ What does it mean to “drop pearls”? It refers to pearls of wisdom, and many of us think of some stately professor emeritus waxing poetic in a case conference.

But check out this definition here:
Read 11 tweets
Apr 12th 2022
1/ As the team starts discussing patient #16 on the list during rounds, you look around & notice:

Learner 1: *👀 at their phone*
Learner 2: *🥱, almost 🛌*
Learner 3: *🥺 pleading for rounds to end*

How can you keep everyone engaged?!

If this feels familiar, check out this 🧵! Image
2/ This week, we are continuing our discussion about opportunities for inpatient teaching during rounds with a focus on how to keep learners engaged.

Although these tips are primarily for rounds that do NOT occur at the bedside, many of the same principles apply. Image
3/ For tips on how to engage all learners at the bedside, check out this recent thread from @YihanYangMD on engaging all learners at the bedside with physical exam teaching:

Read 17 tweets
Apr 5th 2022
1/ Welcome back to another edition of #TweetorialTuesday from the @MedEdTwagTeam. Special S/O to our #MedEd & #MedTwitter friends!

Over the last two weeks we have laid out the WHY and the WHAT of teaching communication. Today is the HOW. Let’s go!
2/ For refreshers on the WHY and WHAT, check out these previous threads from:
@JenniferSpicer4 (WHY) –
@GStetsonMD (WHAT) –
3/ And like the previous threads, much of this content comes from this book (Chapter 16 for this thread) by @DrCalvinChou & @LauraCooleyPhD of @ACHonline. It is a foundational book that is extremely readable and applicable. Well worth your time:
Read 12 tweets
Mar 15th 2022
1/ Your student is trying to characterize the pt’s aortic stenosis murmur. The pt looks concerned. The rest of your team looks bored, waiting to examine the pt.

How to make PE teaching fruitful & engaging for EVERYONE?

#TweetorialTuesday #MedTwitter #MedEdTwagTeam #MedEd Image
2/ As a reminder, we are continuing our discussion about opportunities for inpatient teaching during rounds.

Today is the final installment on the physical exam. Image
3/ You’ve decided to teach exam skills. You’ve prepped WHAT you’d like to teach.

But with so many different levels of learners on a team, keeping all your learners & the pt engaged can be a challenge during exam teaching.
Read 16 tweets
Mar 8th 2022
1/ After reading #MedEdTwagTeam @JenniferSpicer4's #TweetorialTuesday last week, you’ve decided to teach exam skills at the bedside.

Awesome! Now how do you structure your exam skills teaching? We will review some strategies this week!

#MedTwitter #MedEd Image
2/ As a reminder, we are continuing our discussion about opportunities for inpatient teaching during rounds.

Today is week 2 of 3 in our physical exam series. Image
3/ These are the 4 ways I incorporate physical exam teaching on rounds.

💎Skill of the Day
💎Diagnostically Relevant
💎Clinical Trend
💎Imaging Correlation

Depending on how much time you have, you can choose just 1 method, or incorporate all 4 on a given day! Image
Read 12 tweets
Feb 22nd 2022
1/ Happy #TweetorialTuesday from @ChrisDJacksonMD!

Hypothesis-driven history? Bedside rounds? How do we put it all together?

Don't worry, your #MedEdTwagTeam crew is here to help with this week's thread! Image
2/ Last week, we emphasized the why of teaching and using hypothesis-driven history. Image
3/ Outlined in this figure are the 5 steps in a hypothesis-driven-history encounter

Depending upon the patient scenario, you may use some or all of these steps.

More important, though, is engaging the learner at each point towards obtaining the diagnosis for the patient Image
Read 18 tweets
Feb 15th 2022
1/ Happy #TweetorialTuesday from @ChrisDJacksonMD!

Welcome back to the #MedEdTwagTeam threads on all things teaching, feedback, and so much more.
We have exciting stuff to help you level up your bedside history and physical examination teaching skills in the coming weeks. Image
2/ We are still covering the foundations of inpatient teaching. This week, we will be focusing on strategies to improve hypothesis-driven history taking at the bedside during rounds. Image
3/ Obtaining the HPI is a core skill for patient care.

We're taught to take this history with attention to comprehensiveness

The goal of hypothesis-driven history is to carefully consider what questions impact our diagnostic thinking to make our history taking more effective Image
Read 11 tweets
Nov 16th 2021
1/ It is near the end of your time on inpatient service and it has been BUSY!

Spirits are high, but folks are tired.
You want to make sure rounds are high-yield, but how to focus their energy?

Welcome back #MedTwitter & #MedEd for another #TweetorialTuesday from @MedEdTwagTeam!
2/ This week, I will share tips on how to use questions to get ”the wheels turning” for your learners before rounds.

In just a few minutes, this focuses energy, engages team members in the cases they may not be following, and enhances bedside learning for everyone.
3/ Today’s 🧵 harkens back to one I posted about ”prediction questions”.

Inspiration: #SmallLearning from @LangOnCourse. It is tremendous, with a lot of useful ideas that can be applied in the classroom or clinical setting. FYI - 2nd ed just came out.
Read 13 tweets
Nov 2nd 2021
1/ You're on the inpatient service,
and you want to teach...

but HOW are you supposed to FIND TIME ⏲️while also
✅ caring for patients
✅ writing notes
✅ completing other administrative work

Not to mention managing your personal life!

This week: tips on teaching BEFORE rounds Image
2/ This week, I will share practical tips on how to integrate teaching into your daily routine BEFORE rounds.

It's another #TweetorialTuesday from the @MedEdTwagTeam for our #MedTwitter & #MedEd friends! Image
When do you typically teach?
Read 14 tweets
Oct 26th 2021
1/ Happy #TweetorialTuesday from @ChrisDJacksonMD!
Hi #MedTwitter, I’m Chris Jackson. Honored and pumped to join @JenniferSpicer4, @GStetsonMD, and @YihanYangMD to share my love of #MedEd with you all through the @MedEdTwagTeam
A brief intro… Image
2/ I’m a current @UTHSC_Medicine senior APD of curriculum, assistant clerkship director @UTHSCMedicine, academic general internist @RegOneHlthFDN @CCHSmemphis

You may have seen me on #MedTwitter with my threads on #EBM or interactions via @primarycarechat
3/ I became interested in #MedEd after meeting inspiring role models & mentors @AU-UGA Medical Partnership: @3owllearning, Dr. Howard Cohen and @UTHSC_Medicine: Dr. Jim Lewis
After residency, I joined @UTHSC_Medicine faculty with a specific interest in ambulatory education Image
Read 9 tweets
Oct 19th 2021
1/ “Let’s hear about this patient at the bedside.”

As an educator or learner, does this sentence make you tachycardic??

It’s another #TweetorialTuesday from the @MedEdTwagTeam! #MedTwitter #MedEd #MedStudentTwitter #Tweetorial #FacDev
2/ We are still covering the foundations of inpatient teaching.

This week, we will focus on general strategies to incorporate bedside teaching effectively into your inpatient teaching tool box!
3/ First, there are many benefits to teaching @ the bedside for learners, educators, & patients alike.

See articles:
⚡️@DanielRicottaMD TWDFNR @JHospMedicine:

⚡️@OlleTenCate Review on Bedside Teaching /
Read 15 tweets
Oct 12th 2021
1/ You are standing in front of your team, getting ready to teach about diabetic foot infections.

HOW will you get them interested in this topic?

And how are you going to teach so that EVERYONE learns, from student all the way up to the fellow?!

#MedEd #MedTwitter: HELP!
2/ This week, I will share tips on teaching to multiple learner levels AND interests to help you effectively engage your entire team during inpatient teaching sessions.

It's another #TweetorialTuesday from the @MedEdTwagTeam for our #MedTwitter & #MedEd friends.
3/ You have a team of learners and a patient to discuss.

How will you make the teaching both INTERESTING & RELEVANT for your learners?

I mean, you're teaching about diabetic foot infection. Everyone's going to 😴💤 as soon as you start teaching. How can you keep them engaged?!
Read 15 tweets
Oct 5th 2021
1/ You’ve got multiple learners on your inpatient team. How do you know if you’re teaching them what they need and want to learn?

It’s another #TweetorialTuesday from the @MedEdTwagTeam!

#MedTwitter #MedEd #MedEdTwagTeam #MedTweetorial #FacDev
2/ We are still covering the foundations of inpatient teaching.
If you missed these threads, catch up on:
🔥@JenniferSpicer4’s how to plan for teaching on rounds -
🔥@GStetsonMD’s how to boost teaching with learning objectives -
3/ This week, we cover how to use shared goal-setting to build upon teaching preparation & learning objectives.
Read 18 tweets
Sep 21st 2021
1/ Have you ever...

...promised yourself that THIS time you'll prioritize teaching while on the inpatient service but then get TOO BUSY?

...or WANT to teach something on rounds but realize that you have FORGOTTEN the details of that clinical pearl.

Then this week is for you! Image
2/ This week, I will share tips to help you prepare to teach effectively on rounds as one of our “foundational skills” for inpatient teaching.

It's another #TweetorialTuesday from the @MedEdTwagTeam for our #MedTwitter & #MedEd friends. Image
3/ Before we get started, I want you to reflect on something:

When you travel, do you tend to plan an itinerary for your trip or "wing it"?

Now, what if you only had a single day in that city but wanted to see all the famous sites?

Would your answer change? Image
Read 17 tweets
Sep 14th 2021
1/ Time for #TweetorialTuesday from the @MedEdTwagTeam for our #MedTwitter & #MedEd friends!

This week is our 3rd “Fitting it All In” on how we structure teaching into our inpatient attending time! Image
2/ As a reminder, we are discussing the foundational skills for inpatient teaching.

Last week, @JenniferSpicer4 provided her take as a consult service attending: Image
3/ Rounding & teaching on the inpatient service often needs to be adjusted to fit differences in resident schedules & program cultures. Since I’ve been at 2 different institutions recently, I’ll provide a unique perspective on how I’ve changed rounding based on those factors. Image
Read 12 tweets
Sep 7th 2021
1/ It's another #TweetorialTuesday from the @MedEdTwagTeam for our #MedTwitter & #MedEd friends.

This week, I will give you a glimpse into how I structure my day on the inpatient service to balance teaching & completing my own tasks as an attending!
2/ As a reminder, we are discussing the foundational skills for inpatient teaching - i.e., how to "fit it in"

@GStetsonMD provided his perspective last week.

This week, I will compare/contrast how I approach this when I'm on a primary vs consulting team.
3/ I've used the literature to consider how I want to teach and conduct rounds.

Therefore, I consider:
1⃣ how my actions impact the learning climate
2⃣ what content my learners need to know for their future practice
3⃣how to incorporate focused, relevant teaching into rounds
Read 15 tweets
Aug 31st 2021
🧵 Residency Interview Series Part 6 and Thread #10 in my #Match2022 series: “What Questions Do You Have?” 🧵

A question you WILL get. Ready?!

@FuturePedsRes @InternalMed_Res @FutureGenSurg @futureradres @NMatch2022 @IMG_Advocate @FutureAnesRes

#TweetorialTuesday #PedsMatch22
Think about the types of questions you ask. A lot of generic information about programs and curricula can be found on program websites or databases. I would encourage you to ask thoughtful questions about things you wouldn’t be able to find the answer to online.
Here are 20 examples of questions I had prepared for all of my interviews. I obviously didn’t ask them all in each interview. I would tend to ask questions based on who I was speaking with and what I still needed to get a better sense of about the program.
Read 32 tweets

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