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Great interview with latoon commander Heorhii, call sign Armani. He tells about his experience of fighting in northern Ukraine back in march, compares Wagner soldiers with other units, and describes the situation in Bakhmut. Source:…
My translation:

(Armani): At five in the morning, my colleague, the cashier, calls me and asks: "Heorhii, are we even working today? Something happened there," he recalled on February 24 last year. /1
- "She spoke very quickly, so at first, I didn't quite understand what had happened. I said: "Mira, don't worry, everything is fine. We are going out and working. If something really happens, I will know about it" [smiles]. /2
Read 72 tweets
An informative interview from today with a sergeant of the 46th Airmobile Brigade, Oleksandr Pohrebyskyy. He talked about #Soledar, occupants without equipment, and the "not a step back" policy in Wagner's army. By

Text also here:…
My translation:

(Interviewer): Mr.Oleksandr, thank you for agreeing to talk, and I will start with the main question: who controls Soledar now? /1
(Oleksandr): The Armed Forces of Ukraine fully control the situation [the conversation was recorded at 12 o'clock on January 11 – remark]. It would be incorrect to say the current situation as the fighting continues. /2
Read 66 tweets
It is rare to find some interviews with Air Force soldiers. But here is a fascinating discussion with a well-known Ukrainian pilot Vadym Voroshylov with a call sign "Karaya" by

Full text is also available at @wartranslated:…
(Interviewer): Vadym, when I first saw you in the media, I remembered the Russian pilot captured in Chernihiv. He was so... chubby. Is it the enemy's problem with physique, or is it my stereotype about aviators who supposedly all have to be athletes? /1
(Vadym): (Smiles). It was Krasnoyartsev. I would not say that they have such a problem. But, indeed, we already have a new concept of flight personnel training. After 2014, the emphasis is more on young people as the main force of strike aviation. /2
Read 79 tweets
Fantastic interview about Kyiv, Kharkiv battles with a Ukrainian colonel Oleksandr Ohrimenko, commander of the 14th Mechanized Brigade named after Prince Roman the Great. Published by

Text is also available at @wartranslated…
My translation:

(Interviewer): Where did the brigade encounter a full-scale invasion?

(Ohrimenko): At that time, the military unit was at the Rivne combined military training ground at the final stage of reconciliation. /1
We marched, having received appropriate combat orders to perform tasks in the Kyiv, Zhytomyr, and partially Volyn regions to cover the section of the state border.

(I): What were your words to the staff on February 24? /2
Read 52 tweets
Unfortunately, all peaceful protests have not been effective in #Russia so far. Here is the story of a Russian student who didn't believe in these anymore and took another option to fight the regime – to join the Freedom of Russia Legion.

Also available:…
My translation:
I was an ordinary student. Initially, I was a good student, but I was involved in the protest movement that we had in our country. /1
In particular, I started in 2019, when there was the Moscow case, and many of my comrades and like-minded people were arrested and for the case, the FSB started sewing against them. /2
Read 31 tweets
A story of a Russian soldier. He tells about how he invaded Ukraine in February 2022, but shortly after receiving an agitation leaflet, he surrendered and joined the Freedom of Russia Legion of AFU.

Also available at @wartranslated…
Why did this happen? Why, as a matter of fact, did I become a military man? I'm a young father who recently became one the last summer. And I realized that in the backwoods of Russia, it's a particular luxury, a great luxury, to support a family. /1
But my comrades kept telling me that getting a little bit more in the armed forces was possible. So I kept walking around, thinking about it. /2
Read 37 tweets
The first time Russia tried to annex Ukrainian territories. THREAD
In 2022, we have often heard about Snake Island. There is another island that has been occupied since 2014 and which Russia tried to occupy in 2003. Its name is Tuzla.
As always, we need to look at the background of the situation. Geography and history of the island matter.
The island is situated between Crimea and Krasnodar Krai (Russia). /1
Tuzla Island was formed when the spit that continued the Taman peninsula (Russia) suffered from massive erosion during a major storm in 1925. The island is 6 km long and 600 m wide. /2
Read 22 tweets
PART 2 of the Interview with a Russian volunteer with a call sign "Maestro" who fights in an artillery unit in AFU. He came from Siberia to join the AFU. Video published on Solonin Mark Solonin Youtube channel.
Text is also available here:…
(I): So there are a lot of questions, but let's move on to not ours. What can you say about them? You've been fighting there for more than a month. Do they have their anger too, or are they forced to fight there? /1
(M): I mean, the closest contact battle we had was somewhere about 500 700 meters. It was like an exception. There was a tank, and the infantry fought it off. So I did not have direct contact so that I could touch it, touch it with my hands, feel and be a part of it. /2
Read 36 tweets
Interview with a Russian volunteer with a call sign "Maestro" who fights in an artillery unit in AFU. He came from Siberia to join the AFU. Video published on Solonin Mark Solonin Youtube channel.
Text is also available at…
My translation:
(Interviewer): I'm not asking which route you took to get to Ukraine. But can you tell us about your motivation? Have you thought that before February, or was it a quick decision?

(Maestro): I wasn't going anywhere after 2014. /1
I understood that Russia was going in the wrong direction, but it was a sluggish story. After February 24, I woke up and looked at the news and realized that there were two sides, white and black, and I could not be in neutral status. So I would have to choose a side. /2
Read 38 tweets
Amazing interview with AFU Lieutenant Colonel Pavel Rozlach for Many details about battles in the south and the east and military life in general. Translation provided by me and @Anastasiya1451A

Text is also available here:…

(Rozlach): The news of the full-scale offensive caught me at the Shirokiy Lan training range in the Mykolaiv region. We were transferred there from the Yavoriv training range because the command understood there could be an offensive. /1
That is why we were in the south of the country. On the night of February 24, I returned to the unit from Chernihiv - my wife had surgery. I was passing through Brovary when a rocket hit the SDF command building. So I immediately believed that it was severe. /2
Read 92 tweets
I found a fascinating video from Ukrainian journalist Serhii Peichev about how Russia used sport to achieve its bloody and imperial goals. The video is 20 minutes long, so I will summarize critical things here.
First, we need to go back to 1936. Nazi Germany organized the summer Olympics.
While Germany was becoming antisemitic, many participants of Jewish descent refused to go to Berlin. /1
There have been boycott threats in some countries, but the president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Pierre de Coubertin, came to Berlin and showed his support. /2
Read 18 tweets
Taras Chmut is the head of the @BackAndAlive foundation and a former Marine who participated in the war in Donbas. He gave a very honest interview to @pravda_eng


Translation is also available here:
My translation:
(I): Let's start with the war. In recent weeks we have been anticipating a counteroffensive in the south. What do we need for this counteroffensive?
(C): Probably brains. /1
Because it is impossible to conduct a counteroffensive and publicly warn the enemy about a month before. As for the practical component, nothing has changed in recent months. /2
Read 28 tweets
Part 2 of the interview with general Marchenko. This one concerns the liberation of Crimea, Cherson, and UA victory.

The text version is available at @wartranslated:…
My translation:
(I): What is the situation with these key crossings over the Dnipro? As far as I understand, we are "perforating" the bridge in Daryivka, the Antonovsky road bridge, too. What about the Antonovsky railway bridge?
(M): It was also damaged. /2
Read 36 tweets
General Dmytro Marchenko told in an interview on 09.08.2022 why Russia is moving troops to the south, why the occupiers would not hold a referendum in Kherson on September 11, and what Ukraine needs to celebrate its victory next spring.
Maj. Gen. Dmytro Marchenko was in charge of the defense of the Mykolaiv region until April.


Text version also available at @wartranslated:… /1
My translation:
Interviewer (I): Until April, you were in charge of the defense of the Mykolaiv region. What tasks do you have now in the area - from what you can tell?
Gen. Marchenko (M): I can't tell you anything, I help to get a victory. /2
Read 32 tweets
In another video, Ukrainian Brigadier General Dmytro Krasylnykov spoke about Bachmut and its importance for UA forces. Here is the short thread:
My translation:
"Regarding Bakhmut - I'm afraid to give any assessments, but I think that we should hold Bakhmut, Soledar, and Seversk. 3 cities on the map
Everything that was happening there probably allowed our soldiers and our units to conduct certain regroupings and strengthen the defense in these directions.
Read 10 tweets
Many of us have wondered why the battle for Severodonetsk was quite lengthy, but AFU could not hold that long in Lysychansk, which is on higher ground and across the river. Ukrainian Brigadier General Dmytro Krasylnykov about Lysychansk and morale of UA soldiers:
My translation:

"Unfortunately, it turned out that for some reason, everyone forgets the problem. I have always said that the main problem is not the top-down, not the altitude or the lowlands. The main problem is logistics and provision because you can be courageous. /1
You can be fearless. You can be super prepared, have three night-vision eyes, and all that. But what happened to Severodonetsk?
Three bridges that connected Lysychansk and Severodonetsk were destroyed. That is, any supply could have been conducted by what? /2
Read 21 tweets
PART 6 (the last one) of the interview with gen. Kryvonos made by Mark Solonin and translated by me.
Topic: Why did Putin start the war?
Original video:

The full text is also available in a pinned thread or at @wartranslated:…
The link to a pinned thread is here. There is also some information about Kryvonos' background and views, as there are many questions about those.

(I): We've had a lot of conversations already. But what a normal, peace-loving country, an ordinary, peace-loving people, was not going to. For 30 years, they didn't prepare for war with their neighbor. /2
Read 41 tweets
PART 5 of the interview with gen. Kryvonos made by Mark Solonin and translated by me.
Topic: Battle for Donbas. UA casualties.
original video:

The full text is also available at @wartranslated:…
Here is also a thread of different parts of the interview. There is also some information about Kryvonos' background and views, as there are many questions about those.

(I): Now, we move on to what has been called the second phase, from late April to Early July. Here's this protracted months-long battle in the Donbas in the northern part of the Donbas. /2
Read 27 tweets
PART 4 of the interview with gen. Kryvonos made by Mark Solonin and translated by me.
Topic: withdrawal of RU forces from Kyiv.

original video:

The full text is also available at @wartranslated:…
Here is also a thread of different parts of the interview. I have added some information about Kryvonos' background and views, as there are many questions about those.
(I): Okay, we're done with the beginning of the war, and we go straight to the conclusion of the first phase, which is the end of March. /2
Read 30 tweets
PART 3 of the interview with gen. Kryvonos was made by Mark Solonin and translated by me.
Topic: battles for airfields around Kyiv. Defense of Zhyliany airport.

original video:

The full text is also available at @wartranslated:…
Here is also a thread of different parts of the interview. I have added some information about Kryvonos' background and views, as there are many questions about those.
Interviewer(I): Right. Nevertheless, the enemy did not pass Bucha in a day, not in two, not in a week, not in a month. And in particular, as far as I understand, they did not manage to capture and use the landing craft for landing. /2
Read 39 tweets
PART 2 of the interview with gen. Kryvonos made by Mark Solonin and translated by me.
Topic: very fast advances of RU forces in the south and towards Kyiv in the first days of the war.
"The following question has been discussed many times, but I need to ask it because it interests everyone. Interest is not the right word, serious concern. /1
During the first three days, the enemy in the south passed 400 kilometers from Perekop through Melitopol, Berdyansk, and Mariupol, if you measure by the map in a straight line. Such distance in three days is a forced march. This is not an offensive, but it is a forced march. /2
Read 26 tweets
I found an exciting interview with the Ukrainian general Kryvonos. He answered many questions that have tormented me for many months: quickly occupied south, preparation for the war, UA casualties, and more.
Mark Solonin published the interview on his YouTube channel on 29.07. I will post it in a few threads. Please follow me so as not to miss the next translation :)

My translation:
"Generally speaking, it appears to ordinary people that the military leadership of the country, roughly speaking, overslept the beginning of the war. Is that wrong or what?"
Read 27 tweets
Is there any chance of avoiding a protracted war?
Ukrainian journalist and former external adviser to the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Yuriy Butusov answered this question during his live stream on 25.07.2022
Full video here:
"I think we cannot avoid a protracted war now. Let's run through the issues quickly now. Avoidance is impossible because Russia will now… World War III has started. /1
We see after Russia began to receive deliveries of Iranian drones Shahed 129 that Russia will assemble a world axis of those countries that have entered into open conflict with NATO countries and countries of the West. /2
Read 20 tweets
Igor Girkin update on the front situation from 26.07:

"Kharkiv Front - positional and local battles.
Izyum Front (Sloviansk direction) - the same.

Seversk-Soldar-Bakhmut (Artemovsk) front - local battles with tactical (in some places) insignificant advance of our troops...
Seversk and surrounding heights remain in enemy hands.
Directly to the outskirts of Soledar and Bakhmut, our troops have not yet reached. At the southern end, the enemy is forced to move out of the ledge near the Uglegorsk thermal power plant and the Novoluganskoye village.
As of yesterday evening, our forces haven't established complete control over both of these points, although their further retention for a long time for the enemy is difficult, and he will be forced to leave them soon.
Read 22 tweets

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