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Apr 25th 2023
#DelhiHighCourt to hear a batch of petitions filed by Adv Ashwini Kumar Upadhyay (@AshwiniUpadhyay), Danish Eqbal and others seeking directions for drafting of a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) by the Law Commission.
#uniformcivilcode #UCC
In December 2022, the court directed the Ministry of Law and Ministry of Home Affairs to file their respective responses on a plea seeking direction for drafting of a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) by the Law Commission.
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Court: Counter Affidavits not filed.

Adv @AshwiniUpadhyay: Yes, My lord! I have filed an amended memo of parties.
Read 13 tweets
Mar 10th 2023
Found this #interesting and some #FactSpitting write up on #quora which is an eye opener on why / how #population explosion is a huge problem! Read the thread below!
#FakeIdentity and fake #VoterID are being provided to those who have illegally entered into India. Isn't this rigging the #elections ?
While there is #POCSOAct to protect children from being sexually exploited and to protect them, #PersonalLaws are just taking away that protection from children. This is exactly why #UCC #UniformCivilCode becomes an urgent need.
Read 9 tweets
Jan 9th 2023
#SupremeCourt hearing PIL opposing States going about implementation of Uniform Civil Code.

CJI: What is wrong with it? They have only constituted a committee under their executive powers that Article 162 gives.

#uniformcivilcode #SupremeCourtofIndia
CJI: Look at entry 5 of concurrent list.

CJI: There is no merit... should we dismiss it or you will withdraw it ?

CJI: Constitution of committees set up by Gujarat and Uttarakhand to frame UCC is challenge here. Article 162 indicates that executive power of states extends to what legislature permits it to
Read 4 tweets
Dec 9th 2022

What happens if there will by Uniform Civil Code :-

1. All personal law boards will be dismantled like All India Buslim Personal Law board.

2. Buslim women will get Rights in Ancestral property.


#UniformCivilCode #Rajya_Sabha

3. Schools ran by religious institutions like missionary school & madarsa will cease to exist. This will reduce fundamentalism & anti-hindu narrative.

4. Men/Women irrespective of any religion can give divorce through court only.

#UniformCivilCode #Rajya_Sabha

5. Medieval and demonic practices imposed on women like Nikah Halala and Mutah prevalent among minorities will END.

They are against fundamental rights given by constitution. Principal of Gender Equality defeated.

#UniformCivilCode #Rajya_Sabha
Read 6 tweets
Aug 24th 2022
When is One Nation One Law coming ?
Retweet the above tweet for better reach!!

Follow & Support @AshwiniSahaya

CC @memenist_ bhaiya
Read 7 tweets
May 28th 2022
Uttarakhand government has formed an expert committee headed by a retired Supreme Court judge for examining and implementing Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in the State.
#UCC #UniformCivilCode #Uttrakhand Image
The order by the State Home Department reads, "The Governor is pleased to approve the constitution of the following expert committee to examine and report on all relevant laws governing individual civil affairs of all citizens residing in the State of Uttarakhand...
...with amendments to the draft law or existing law, applicable laws relating to marriage, divorce, property rights, succession, adoption and maintenance and protection, etc and to examine and implement the Uniform Civil Code."
Read 4 tweets
Mar 15th 2022
Alright! Time for a controversial thread. Recently #KarnatakaHighCourt released its verdict about the #HijabBan & the status was the ban should persist. What does it really stand for?
I have an anecdote. I don't know which class, but I distinctly remember an illustrative depiction of a conversation between a Sikh & a common man.
Sikh wasn't wearing a helmet & the common man asked why? Wouldn't you be charged? Sikh said as he was wearing a turban, he could not be charged.
Read 10 tweets
Jun 3rd 2021
🕉 #Hindus Should:
1.Who Are We Really?
2. Read Hindu Scriptures,Understand, Learn From Teachers
3. Share Knowledge With Children Actively From Childhood
4. #PromoteHinduScriptures By Gifting To Hindus & Others Who Shows Interest To Learn More About #SanatanDharma #Hinduism
5. #IncreaseHinduDiaspora
6. Follow Back Each Other On Social Medias
7. Stand Up For Each Other & In One Voice Without Capitulating,Grovelling Or Apologies
8. Hinduphobic Global Mood Globally Is So Deep That Anything Bad Happens In India,They Conclude That It Is Due To Hinduism
Read 13 tweets
Nov 23rd 2020


Came through #clearias website.

It quotes hopeless cons of #UCC.

Point 2: Perception as encroachment on religious freedom?

👉 Then majority has been encroached since 7 decades, What about it?

Point 3: sensitive to implement

Fear the peacefuls ? Image

If one infers- Right from the IAS syllabus, it is a deliberate attempt to channelise the cream of the country to appease the peacefuls, is it wrong?

Point 5: Time not suitable

Its political will power that's essential, no time issue.

#upsc_jihad exist?

2/3 Image

We think its time ripe to implement it.

@AmitShah ji, please fulfill the aspirations of the majority of this great nation.

Every single patriot stands with you.

World's largest democracy needs that.

Video courtesy: @Republic_Bharat


Read 3 tweets
Oct 11th 2020
It is the time to redefine "Reservation system" in India & time to define “Minority” in India.


Irony is proper definition for “Minority” is unfortunately missing in the constitution but still TONS of Benefits are provided in the name of “Minority”!

Equality ? Nope.
Who is the real minority in India?

Jains 0.37 %
Buddhists 0.70 %
Sikhs 1.72%
Muslims 14.23 %

But some how!!

Muslims get free coaching for UPSC in Haj Bhavans in states and union territories.…
Again Hindus are minuscule minority in Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Lakshadweep, Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir & Ladakh but there is never any such free coaching or scholarship announcement by Ministry of Minority Affairs, for minorities in those states!!
Read 12 tweets
Aug 6th 2020
#UniformCivilCode is often debated for political purposes. Whereas the public finds it difficult to understand the topic. To eliminate ignorance, we all must know what it is all about.

So here's a thread🧵RT if you like (1/11)
Article 44 of the 🇮🇳 Constitution states that: - "The state shall endeavour to secure for citizens a Uniform Civil Code throughout the territory of India." (2/11)
UCC is the common set of governing rules for all citizens of India which refers to replace the personal laws (based on religious scriptures and customs). It resonates with one country, one rule (3/11)
Read 12 tweets
Nov 28th 2019
1) After Killing 100s of Hindu schools & plundering Hindu temples, @Dev_Fadnavis embarks on Hindutva pilgrimage:…
@Dev_Fadnavis 2) Learn how Good-cop @Dev_Fadnavis & Bad-cop @girishdmahajan blackmailed Hindu temples for funding irrigation schemes (note: irrigation is a very lucrative govt dept with max opportunity for corruption)…
@Dev_Fadnavis @girishdmahajan 3) Hindu Nationalism means "sacrifice hindus for non-Hindu Vishwas". Here is Hindutva icon @Dev_Fadnavis mulling Jerusalem subsidy for Christians & 50% income tax on hindu temples:…
Read 9 tweets

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