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Apr 27th 2023
How to vote in the local elections on May 4th.

Together we can remove 1000s of Tory councillors from 100s of Tory councils.

A thread 🧵


To find out who to vote for to remove, or block, Tories from your council on May 4th:

1. Visit StopTheTories.Vote

2. Put in your postcode

3. Tell a friend, download a poster, signup for updates

4. Show up and vote tactically!

(Remember your Voter ID!)

Read 13 tweets
Jul 28th 2022
1/ 🧵👇 Nikki Fried is a corporate lobbyist and a liar. Her record as FDACS Commissioner is terrible, but it's way worse than just that.


2/ Nikki began her political career as a corporate lobbyist in South Florida, back in 2011. One of her most prominent clients was HCA Healthcare, which is Rick Scott's Medicare fraud company.

3/ Her support of Republicans is extensive. In 2016, while Charlie Crist was being endorsed in his congressional run by Barack Obama, Nikki Fried was volunteering for State Senator Manny Diaz Jr., who recently took over for Richard Corcoran as the State's Secretary of Education.
Read 25 tweets
Sep 7th 2021
As promised here are the ABC strategic ridings (this will take a bit) If voting ABC is not for you just ignore. #VoteABC #VoteSmart
I’ll be using
Also using
Read 83 tweets
Aug 27th 2021
I’ve decided that I can’t stomach the idea of having a shit con government win so here are ALL the Canadian flippable Con ridings. #ABC this may take me some time. #VoteSmart #NeverVoteConservative
Here’s my source;
Cape Breton-Canso; Vote Liberal #ABC
Read 63 tweets
Mar 26th 2021
Alex Salmond's Alba party highlights that the only way to win in May is to vote for different parties on the constituencies and on the lists. Salmond's plan would result in a huge Separatist majority. So what can we do about it...?
On our side, if ordinary people are prepared to vote tactically to get rid of the SNP, why aren't the parties that are supposed to represent them not doing it? @DouglasRoss @AnasSarwar @WillieRennie need to STAND DOWN candidates that cannot win.
A ONE-TIME tactical voting alliance is a win-win for the major parties, and could result in up to 30 seats being taken from the SNP. Yet, the parties have given up. They are content to be the opposition. And, despite their claims, everyone knows they can't win on their own.
Read 15 tweets

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