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Jul 6th 2022
1/5 Today, the COVID-19 Immunity Task Force (CITF) announced seroprevalence results from 21 studies funded by the Government of Canada, estimating the level of infection during the Omicron wave up to the end of May 2022.…
2/5 Antibodies to certain blood proteins known as “nucleocapsids” only develop in those who’ve been infected. So detecting their presence in blood (seroprevalence) is a way to estimate the proportion of people with past #SARSCoV2 infection.
3/5 CITF results confirm the massive scale of the #Omicron wave. Before Omicron arrived in Dec 2021, ~7% of Canadians had infection-acquired antibodies to #SARSCoV2. Then from Dec 2021 to May 2022, that proportion rose to 45%!
Read 6 tweets
Nov 5th 2021
1/2 #COVID19 key concerns 🇨🇦: today, I presented results of #PHAC’s updated #epidemiology & modelling analysis, which suggests that nationally the fourth wave could continue to decline over the coming weeks if transmission doesn’t increase➡️…
2/2 This latest #PHAC-@McMasterU forecast reaffirms the importance & beneficial impact of public health measures & individual precautions even at current levels of #COVID19Vaccines coverage, given predominance of the #DeltaVariant. #VaccinesPlus…
3/3 Let’s keep going steady with #PublicHealth advice and do our best to look after ourselves and others by keeping up with individual precautions/layers of protection: #VaxToTheMax #WashMaskSpace #GoodVentilation➡️…
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Aug 27th 2021
1/3 #COVID19 key concerns 🇨🇦 : the July 30, 2021 #PHAC-@McMasterU longer-range modelling forecast continues to play out in our national daily case counts, with recent cases (red dots) up to Aug 25 still ↑ on the strong resurgence trajectory.… Image
2/3 Although highly contagious #DeltaVariant is dominating this wave, a 2-dose series of #COVID19Vaccines provides substantial protection. A majority of cases and increasing hospitalizations are in those who are not fully vaccinated.…
3/3 To help reduce size/severity of 4th wave resurgence & limit impacts on healthcare capacity this fall/winter, keep up 3-fold defence: maintain vigilance #WashMaskSpace; follow #PublicHealth advice & #VaxToTheMax! #EveryVaxCounts
Read 3 tweets
Apr 15th 2021
1/3 #COVID19 key concerns in Canada: national daily case counts and incidence per 100,000 population continue to rise steeply, exceeding the peak of the first and second waves of the COVID-19 epidemic in Canada.…
2/3 This reflects transmission from ~2 weeks ago, as we headed into the long weekend. So things may get worse before they get better, following restrictions implemented in high incidence areas & expanding #COVID19vaccines rollout.
3/3 Our help is needed! #Healthcare & #essential workers must go out, let’s do all we can to support them during these difficult days ahead by reducing our contacts as much as possible & meticulously keeping up with #WashMaskSpace…
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Apr 12th 2021
1/4 The #PHAC-@McMasterU longer-range modelling forecast for March 26, 2021 continues to play out in the data we are seeing now. Current surveillance data (red dots up to April 9th) are plotting along the strong resurgence trajectory. Image
2/4 The March 26th forecast accounted for spread of #VariantsOfConcern, warning that stronger public health measures and strict adherence with individual precautions were needed to counter more transmissible #COVD19 variants.
3/4 The current trajectory reaffirms that measures in place two weeks ago were not stringent enough to prevent the strong resurgence we are seeing now. #COVID19Vaccines are starting to help, but our efforts are crucial as they roll out
Read 4 tweets
Feb 13th 2021
1/3 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦 : It’s a lot do with #VariantsOfConcern right now. To tackle this latest hurdle, we need to keep doing what we’ve been doing, but with even more diligence to counter these more contagious variants.…
2/3 As of February 12th, 9 provinces have reported #VariantsOfConcern and at least 4 provinces are reporting evidence of community spread, including Newfoundland where recent outbreak activity has been linked to the B.1.1.7 variant.…
3/3 YOU (hyper vigilant) + #PublicHealth are needed to #VanquishTheVariants #WashMaskSpace #AVOID3Cs & aim for the fewest interactions, with the fewest number of people, for the shortest time at the greatest distance in the best-fitting mask.…
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