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Jun 14th 2021
Opposition is screaming about Inflation,but India under @narendramodi has curbed #Inflation,versus global peers

#VegetableInflation in India is minus 1.92% in May&Food inflation 5.01%

Globally,#FoodInflation up 39.7%, Cereal up 36.6%,Wheat price up 28% &Maize 89.3%

My thread👇
Globally #Inflation is rising because of co-ordinated fiscal stimulus,that has led to asset prices,zooming;For instance,annualized inflation in USA is 9.7%;2yrs back,US was in throes of #Disinflation

$6 trillion stimulus by #Biden has led to too much money chasing too few goods
For those wanting to know why the difference in #WPI&CPI,figures well,weights of items in CPI are based on average household expenditure,taken from consumer expenditure surveys

Weightage of Primary articles in #CPI is 55%+,with Food group alone having weight of 39.06%
Read 5 tweets
May 31st 2021
.@INCIndia trolls elated at minus 7.3% GDP growth in FY21,forgetting this was a #Pandemic year,in fact the worst pandemic in 102yrs

Good News in 4Q👇

GDP growth was 1.6% despite consensus of minus 1.4%

GVA growth was 3.7% Vs consensus of 2.6%

Industrial growth was solid 6.9%
In fact,both in Q3&Q4FY21,India reported positive GDP&GVA growth

Industrial growth also was +ve for 2 qtrs in a row at 1.7%&6.9%

Agricultural growth has been a positive 3%+ in every single qtr,in last 4 qtrs

Construction growth has been a massive 6.5%&14.5% in Q3&Q4
Some channels conveniently showing how WPI under @narendramodi govt has risen sharply,to 10.49% in April 2021

It is not #WPI but #CPI that matters& #RetailInflation measured by CPI was just 4.2% in April,with food inflation at 2.02%&Vegetable Inflation at minus 14.18%
Read 10 tweets

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