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#HongKong #香港
Have you ever thought that in 2019-2020, hongkongers and hong kong protesters have committed countless crimes, so it is only natural that they are still being tried and convicted even now. Letting them get away with it is a denigration of the justice system.
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#HongKong #香港
From the very beginning, this group of hongkongers and hong kong protesters have only been shamelessly pursuing hatred and satisfying their own anti-social existence. And they are the ones who really confuse black and white and reject the existence of dissent.
#HongKong #香港
Even if they commit crimes, they will only subvert the facts and pretend to be victims under the guise of pursuing democracy, not to mention refuting the other side with lies, and doing so only to rationalize their evil deeds and steal sympathy.
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Very smart FT article on the new rules issued by #China's Security Regulatory Commission by Craig Coben: Don't you want a VIE, baby?…
Challenging the claim that the new CSRC rules are a signal “reopening the avenue of fundraising after a 20-month obstruction,” Coben rightly points out "this is less a U-turn and more a reassertion of state power."
After agreeing in Dec. to allow the US's PCAOB “complete access” to the audit papers of US-listed Chinese companies in compliance with the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act, the CSRC is introducing its own controls.
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A History of Hong Kong Wuxia Fiction《香港武俠小說史》by Chen Mo 陳墨, just released. Signed edition. Covers 70 authors by my count. Unfortunately, it's just book reviews, not a systematic history that explains development and political/social context.
#wuxia #武俠 #HK #香港
It's good information, but I was hoping for a deeper look into the history of wuxia fiction in HK like we got w/ Lin Baochun's Taiwan book. This is just an expansion of Chen Mo's earlier book from Aug.: A Grand Pageant of Classic Hong Kong Wuxia Works《香港武俠名家名作大展》
And given the broad scope of the book, since it covers so many authors, the reviews are not in depth, little analysis. Basically plot summary+some highlights or major flaws. His earlier book has longer reviews on the whole, but covers fewer works and authors.
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#中国 国家 #统计局 公布第三季度数据:GDP同比增长3.9%,环比增速也为3.9%;前三季度GDP同比增长3.0%。


另外, #香港 1997年回归第一个交易日的 #恒生指数 开盘为15346点,今日为15440点😮‍💨…
据最新消息:刚刚 #香港 #恒生指数 单日跌幅至5%,已经跌破1997年的高点!
#股市 或许是反应市场最真实、也是不太可能修饰涂改的地方了;它不仅反映了股民散户的“民心” 更反映了各大资商投行的“走向”


看看 #中国🇨🇳 大陆的A股表现,能否托盘稳住,不好说⋯#二十大 刚闭幕,股市就“交出这样的成绩单”

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新冠应该回归流感管理,这样中国人民就不用被到处核酸,封城、转运、隔离。因为其起源,病毒特点,甚至高峰时间,都可提前准确在社交媒体预警到。起始污染中心-野生动物市场, 中介-穿山甲,规模-全民受害。DELTA-暑湿,全球高峰-8月29。OMICRON-寒湿,全球高峰-1月20号。BA5子变体-暑湿,高峰8月底 /1 ImageImageImageImage
#新冠病毒 为适应 #极冷冬天 正在不断优化组合进行变异为超级耐寒的寒湿病毒,其免疫逃逸功能可能能逃过所有疫苗和感染形成的抗体,再如以前一样集体排队 #核酸检测 或许是加重疫情,极冷的室外进行核酸容易使人得风寒,导致人体抵抗寒湿病毒的免疫力下降。如移到在空气不通畅的室内则容易交叉传播 /2
#新冠 是季节性 #流感 的变异循环,每次大变异后的领跑者都能逃逸以前的疫苗或以前感染的抗体。今年马上要袭击人类 #寒湿 症变异毒株到来之前, 食用一些可明显提升阳气,暧身的天然食品比如生姜洋葱红茶加运动等提升免疫力辅助防备,足以免除核酸隔离转运,社会可恢复正常 。
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一名男子因在 #英国女王 国葬期间在 #香港 英领事馆外吹口琴被捕
他在英国领事馆外吹奏《天佑吾皇》和 “反送中” 示威歌曲《愿荣光归香港》
警方以 “煽动罪” 逮捕了他,可面临最高两年的监禁
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英国外长特拉斯(Liz Truss)@trussliz 9月5日在保守党领导人选举中击败了前财政大臣苏纳克,将接替因丑闻缠身被迫辞职的约翰逊首相,成为下一任英国首相,也是英国第三位女首相。
英国新首相特拉斯(Liz Truss)@trussliz 应对高通胀的解决方案是减税,她认为,减免各种税包括企业税,能让企业重新获得竞争力,带动就业,刺激经济。
她2016年反对脱欧,名望大跌,但后来称支持脱欧, 理由是当年担心脱欧的各种负面结果并没有发生。…
英国新首相特拉斯(Liz Truss)@trussliz 是对俄强硬派
- 俄罗斯入侵乌克兰几天后,强烈敦促英国去乌克兰参战
- 主张(对乌克兰)最大化战争援助,反对和谈
- 呼吁“全球化北约”
- 据英国《金融时报》报道,“对华盛顿不愿对俄罗斯采取更强硬立场感到沮丧”
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#同文Commons 2022-04-11 Facebook
區家麟除了是「資深傳媒人」,亦是不少傳媒行家眼中的好老師,他在母校中大新傳學院教授的科目「新聞敍事技巧(Storytelling in Journalism)」,
#同文 #Commons #同文Commons #香港 #區家麟 #國安法 #國安處 #立場新聞// 3/
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立場新聞: Last night, #CUHK demolished its Goddess of Democracy statue, claiming that no organization was responsible for its maintenance; #LingnanUniversity also dismantled its Tiananmen Square Massacre relief as a legal or security risk.…
Chen Weiming, the sculptor of the two works, issued a statement claiming that what the two #HongKong universities destroyed were #freespeech & #academicfreedom; Chen reserves the right to pursue legal proceedings against both #HongKong universities. #香港…
#CUHK students erected a paper replica to commemorate the missing statute that was destroyed by fire hoses by the university administration on Christmas Day. #academicfreedom #freespeech #HongKong #香港 民女、浮雕作者陳維明發聲明:清除的是言論和學術自由…
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#rfaCantonese .@RfaCantonese 2021-08-29 IG
//在國安新秩序之下,香港被拘捕和宣布退出政壇、封筆、出走、解散組織的事越來越多。資深媒體人、香港外國記者會前主席Steve Vines最近決定離開香港,表示有很多與體制有關的人士警告恐嚇他,1/ Image
有外國媒體朋友問我,北京現在對香港公民社會的鎮壓,是根據一本怎樣的 2/
這種講法有一定道理。但說中共對全面鎮壓和控制一個原本享有一定自由的社會 3/
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BREAKING: 立場新聞 reporting HKUST's Ching Kwan Lee resigned, after having been accused of directly participating in & supporting the #HongKongProtests, is being pressured to turn herself in #香港 兩名科大學者被指離職 李靜君:已約滿離任 成名: 仲喺科大…
#HKUST has issued a statement saying that it supports #academicfreedom but that all of its employees must strictly abide by #HongKong law; and that disciplinary charges have not been filed against her. #香港
Former #HongKong CE & Vice Chair of the Nat'l Committee of the CPCC CY Leung has demanded that she "surrender herself as soon as possible, lest the police launch an investigation" on the basis of a Sing Tao article alleging her involvement in the #HongKongProtests #香港
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New Thread: 人民日报: CCP has just released the long-awaited newly revised "Regulations of the Communist Party of #China on the Work of Grassroots Organizations in Regular Colleges and Universities" 中国共产党普通高等学校基层组织工作条例…
Spoiler alert: It does not mention #academicfreedom (or any other freedom); but it does mention Xi Jinping four times. Or, more rightly, it mentions Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era (习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想) four times.
I say "long awaited" because these regulations were initially deliberated & approved by the PBSC 5 Nov 2009, promulgated by the Party Central Committee on 13 Aug 2010; but, interestingly, then revised by the PB on 26 Feb 2021, then promulgated *again* by the CC on 16 April
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白信 in DW: #China's revision of #HongKong's electoral law stole the show at this year's NPC. But we may have missed an equally big story: the NPC also voted to emasculate itself via its own organic law, undoing '82 Constitution 后疫情时代的“东升西降 #香港…
According to the 1982 state constitution, "All power in the People’s Republic of #China belongs to the people.
"The National People’s Congress and the local people’s congresses at various levels are the organs through which the people exercise state power."
It also recognised the NPC as "the highest organ of state power." These changes were ushered in in 1982, according to observer/participant Wang Hanbin, under the supervision of Peng Zhen in order to secure the role of the people as the masters of the state: "保证人民当家做主"
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Hong Kong police arrested dozens under the China-imposed #NationalSecurityLaw in the biggest sweep yet.
- Arrests include lawmakers and activists Alvin Yeung, James To, Lam Cheuk-ting, Claudia Mo, Benny Tai
- Arrests by police’s national security branch
🇭🇰 Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Benny Tai arrives at the Ma On Shan police station after being arrested.

He is among dozens of people taken into custody on suspicion of violating the China-imposed national security law #香港 #戴耀廷
🇭🇰 UPDATE: Hong Kong police have arrested American lawyer John Clancey, who served as treasurer for the opposition primary election organizers, according to Jonathan Man, a partner at Ho Tse Wai & Partners #香港

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Chinese University of #HongKong (#CUHK) issues statement regarding the rumoured reorganization of the University Services Centre and its library "CUHK clarifies unfounded rumour,"… 中大澄清不實傳聞… #香港 #中文大學
In 2005, The #China Journal published an article on the 40th anniversary of the USC's founding on its history & importance to the field of Chinese studies; Harvard University's Ezra Vogel, who sadly passed away last week, wrote the forward:…
Ezra Vogel noted that, in the still-heated turmoil of post-McCarthyism in the US, then MIT professor Lucian Pye, suggested that a centre for research & study on #China be set up in #HongKong, "a neutral ground amidst the US intellectual battles of the day." #香港 #中文大學
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SkyNews reporting "a major leak containing a register w/the personal identifying details of 1.95 mil Communist Party members [in #China], mostly from Shanghai, there are also the details of 79,000 Communist Party branches, many of them inside companies”.…
What appears to be so newsworthy about this particular leaked list is the presence of CCP branches in not only foreign-invested firms in #China, but also in firms entirely located overseas.
This is by no means new-- I wrote several years ago about #China's massive Party-building drive to construct new CCP branches in Shanghai's NGOs in @chinaquarterly (The Advance of the Party: Transformation or Takeover of Urban Grassroots Society?* )...
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#国境なき記者団#香港 の司法機構に対し、昨年のプロテストにおける暴力的なエピソードを記録した際に、「公共秩序の混乱」を引き起こしたとして1年の刑に問われている #スイス人 #写真家 に対する告訴を取り下げるよう要求します。
@Amnesty_China @HongKongFP
#マークプロジン (Marc Progin) は写真家として現場を取材しただけで、明らかに干渉の意図はなかった。」とRSF東アジア支局長、セドリック・アルビアニは述べています。
@article19org @fcchk @CPJAsia
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#国境なき記者団 は、ジャーナリストのビザを攻撃手段とする中国の慣行が #香港 にまで拡大したことを非難し、 #香港独立系メディア @HongKongFP が要求した就労ビザが拒否されたことを糾弾します。
@BloombergJapan @WSJJapan @nikkei @article19org @pressfreedom @IFEX
@IFJGlobal @fcchk
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#国境なき記者団 は、 #国際人権NGO連合 との共同声明において、6月30日の #国家安全法 の成立以来加速している #報道の自由 を含む #香港 での #自由 の侵害に深い懸念を表明します。
@bbcnewsjapan @afpbbcom @nhk_news @mainichijpnews @YahooNewsTopics @article19org
@pressfreedom @hrw @freedomhouse @IFEX @IFJGlobal @4JournoFreedom
彼はさらに、「民主主義国家は、香港における法の支配の存在そのものを脅かしている国家安全法を撤回するよう #北京政権 への圧力をより一層強めなければならない。」と主張しています。
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#国境なき記者団 は、民主主義の国々に対し #香港 について書く全てのジャーナリストを国家安全保障への脅威として罪に問うことを可能にし、中国国内においては終身刑または死刑という結果さえ招き得る法律の撤回を#中国政府 に全力を尽くして強制するよう求めます。
@bbcnewsjapan @afpbbcom @ReutersJapan @BloombergJapan @Amnesty_China @nhk_news
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You break the law! In the comments of this tweet, our editors did an unofficial translation of the #NationalSecurityLaw in #HongKong for your reference 👍

相關討論 - 第38條 笑到仆街

#國安法 #香港 #LIHKG
Under the new National Security Law Chapter 6 Article 38: The law also applies to offences carried out by non Permanent Hong Kong Residence outside of Hong Kong

相關討論 - 第38條 笑到仆街

Special forward to @SolomonYue @lukedepulford
Any actions that incite Hong Kong resident(s) hatred towards the Central Government or HKSAR Government and possibly leading to dire consequences is considered serious offence and will be sentenced to minimum of 10 years of prison up to life imprisonment.
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第24〜28条 テロ活動


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這項充滿爭議的法案在中國天安門事件31週年的日子裡通過。泛民派人士與大部分香港市民認為是中國進一步弱化「一國兩制」的手段。 ImageImage
中午12點50分左右,泛民派的議員朱凱迪與陳志全手持抗議標語衝向主席台,投擲有濃厚臭味的有機肥料,試圖阻止三讀程序。因有少量肥料仍灑在會場。立法會主席李慧琼隨即宣布暫停會議,裝備氧氣罩與氧氣瓶的消防人員進入議場清理,議場約於下午4點30分,恢復運作,國歌法三讀的程序也再度重啟。 ImageImage

#HONGKONG #香港 #中國 #一國兩制
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