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Sep 19, 2020, 27 tweets

Azadi is not an option
A #Thread
What does a misguided #Kashmiri mean by “Azaadi”? Is it the right to #equality, right to #freedom, right against exploitation, right to freedom of religion, cultural & educational rights, right to property & right to constitutional remedies

If that is the meaning of “Azaadi” then it is already entrusted to them through the #constitution then who are these people and why are they asking for Azadi?

The people of #kashim for long have been disassociated with the #progress in mainland due to provisions of #Article_370 which restricted the investment and #development in the state.

It not only stagnated the growth in valley but also adversely effected the people of Jammu and Leh region.



It was the draconian designs of so called #separatist leaders who instigated the youth of #Kashmir to pick up stones & arms against security forces & join militancy while shielding their own family from the strife, by settling them not only in metros but abroad as well

While they deny #Kashmiris, the right to live peacefully and decide their #future as per their own wishes, they themselves lead a lavish lifestyle with their hands soaked in the blood of innocent kashmiris.

#Kashmiris have the right to know about their misdeeds and story of the great betrayal in #Kashmir by their own, which needs to be exposed so that the false image which they have built in the hearts of the poor Kashmiri folk is shattered.

The recent arrests of #separatist leaders has exposed glaring facts of terror funding by Pakistan and how separatist have exploited weak economic conditions to incite #violence in the valley.

While their tactics of “religious militancy”, radicalisation and jihadi #terror did not succeed, they have now resorted to destroy the future generations of #Kashmir by making them #drug addicts.

It is more alarming in the Valley because the youth here is a vulnerable target and can be easily lured to #drugs initially for fun sake and subsequently turning them into addicts.

They were then exploited to pick up arms or undertake #violent activities such as stone pelting in lieu of money which would provide for their addiction.

The betrayal of their own for lust of money at the behest of an enemy nation needs to be exposed to the #Kashmiris.

The people need to know that how they have been cheated by their revered leaders in the garb of the “cause.” It is obvious now that it was the lure of money that guided these leaders and that was their sole cause.

Prosperity bloomed in #Kashmir being part of #India:

Historically, Kashmir became integral part of India when Akbar incorporated Kashmir into his empire which gave access to #Kashmiri handicraft and horticulture to the mainland and boost to its economy.

The Shalimar, Nishat and Chashme Shahi gardens were built by the Mughals with their superior technology, not by #Kashmiris, and this superior technology certainly benefited Kashmiris.

Today, the huge handicraft industry, and the market for their products is in the thousands of towns in #India even in the southern Indian state of Kerala at the Kovalam beach which brings back large remunerations to #Kashmir.

Being part of rapidly progressing #Indian economy gives the #Kashmiri youth an opportunity to avail benefits of higher #education, enhance skilled human capital and large #employment opportunities.

Many #Kashmiris have excelled on world stage in fields of performing art, technology and philosophy as they got the right plank to showcase their abilities.

It is because of #freedom to move freely, trade and settle down anywhere across the country that #Kashmiris are prospering and gaining recognition worldwide.

What If ………Azadi is Granted:

Separatist leaders in #Kashmir have Islamic fundamentalism as their ideology and under their leadership it will be thrown back into the dark ages, instead of moving forward.

Sharia law will be imposed, Thus, far from getting better lives, #Kashmiris will suffer.

The chaos and leadership void which will ensue in #Kashmir will be exploited by #Pakistan flushing the valley with money for inciting violence, while simultaneously pushing in #terrorists in the garb of supporting their struggle.

Huge market available in #India will be cut off for the #Kashmiri industries and youth, throwing lakhs of people out of employment. Have Kashmiris ever thought of this before chanting “Azadi Azadi” ?

#Kashmir is too small to survive as an independent state. Some #Kashmiris cite the examples of small European countries, but these have their own historical backgrounds while history of Kashmir has been intertwined with #India since ages.

If #Kashmir is separated from #India it will inevitably come under the #Pakistani or #Chinese jackboot and worsen the situation further.

The demand of “Azadi” by Kashmiri people is deeply trenched in the misconstrued propaganda of selfish separatist leaders. What they should demand is, azadi from poverty by educating there youth, azadi from drug menace, azadi from terrorist by reposing faith in kashmiriyat

The day will come when the whole world will relive and realise Amir Khusro’s famous couplet “Agar firdaus bar roo-e zameen ast, Hameen ast-o hameen ast-o hameen ast."
#Kashmir #KashmirPrideOfIndia #KashmiriLivesMatter

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