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Whatchu Talkin' About, XTwitter?! Modern life - Stranger by the day Is stupid really stupid... or just a new kind of smart?🤷‍♂️ #Football #Finance #Networks

Apr 13, 2021, 12 tweets

Few major headlines recently seem to be connected;

- #Greensill #Cameron #Softbank #Wirecard #Fintech
- #Bitcoin #Coinbase #Crypto #NFTs
- #Ant #JackMa #China #BeltandRoad
- New opportunities & Race to 'be first' in the new era
🇺🇸💪🇨🇳 💰🌏🌎🌍
- #GeoPolitics
- #disruption

While lockdown has been slow for some, it's certainly not been for others who have smelt the winds of change!

#SPACs are bypassing Direct Listings & IPO's in a race to market - Sucking up all that 💰 hunting for returns 📈

#Fintech joining 'Democratise & Digitalise everything'

#China seem poised to become the worlds leading power - #US are on guard! 🧐

Little bit like their former communist friends (Russia) the leadership are getting their Oligarchs/Titans in-line & on-message before their potential big push.

Everything seems to be changing around us

The way money, information, data is used has changed.

How we consume media has changed massively

How we interact has also changed dramatically over the past few years

Global balance of power changing

Politics, Business and Tech have certainly driven lots of those changes...

First the social media landscape was built

We all piled in and populated it with our data

Then it was co-opted & used in politics

Arguably got Too big!

Now politicians are lobbying for tech/finance companies who use all that data (socials included) to profile & lend to us🙄

In this period of #disruption there's gonna be winners & losers

There will be more choppy waters ahead as this new reality takes shape

There will be grifters, opportunists, demagogues trying to snaffle riches/power


I think the future will be brighter & more equitable😉👍

So many headlines/stories in last 5 years about increasing volume/ease of money laundering & white collar crime;

- Capital Flight / Offshore
- Trade Based Money Laundering
- Sports washing
- Cryptocurrencies

Criminal & Legit worlds merge - Running amok!


Another aspect of recent changes...



This new world is exciting!

As it matures, it will bring a whole new 'safe' alternative & tradable asset class/currency🧮

In the short-medium term, it's full of loopholes & an absolute boon for nefarious characters
#NationStates #Hackers #MtGox #FinancialWeapon #Wirecard 🇷🇺🇨🇳🇺🇸

#DigitalYuan #Bitcoin #Libra #fintech

As we move toward a multipolar world 💰, who is going emerge as the financial 'safe haven'?
Or, is it going to be more distributed #DollarHegemony

#CurrencyInsurgency #AntGroup #JackMa #Alibaba fine!

Fun & Games before this shakes out!

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