Here come the tweets.

Here's why reality isolationism is catastrophic for America's future.
We can draw parallels between the mid 1930s and today. They're not perfect, but weak signals are there.
Reality isolationism is withdrawing from the world because of ego, power and status.
With ego on the line, reality isolationism makes it impossible to pivot. This Administration can't reverse course easily.
• Global leaders understand that America is more than its current president, but they can't put all decisions on hold until the next election.
• America's global political stature is greatly reduced.
• This happens at a critical moment in modern history, as the global economy reacts to automation and AI. This transition will take 70 years, but we're already in it.
• New alliances are formed without America there to weigh in on critical decisions.
• America has no leverage as global leaders negotiate our global economy in an age of automation
• China winds up playing a much bigger role, has much more leverage, and offers significant economic investment. Issues like human rights are put aside.
• Reality isolationism prevents the current administration from rebuilding trust. New alliances are formed, with China in a power position, and the world moves on without us.
• American businesses suffer. Tourism suffers. Everyday life is a little worse
Our future conflicts are economic. Our future wars are fought algorithmically. America doesn't have the right alliances at the right time. We find ourselves in a valley we can't quite climb out of.
Reality isolationism doesn't offer the same advantage. The only way out would embarrass our current administration.
Paradoxically, our collective outrage about what's happening at the border, I fear, is playing right into the reality isolationism playbook. (Such as there is one.)
We're imbuing future adults with horrible ideas about Americans and what America stands for.
It's short-sighted and disgraceful.