Media & Democratic "focus" on illegal immigrant families being separated at the border conspicuously tugs at people's heartstrings without making any effort at all to offer alternatives. Coincidence? I think not.
a) Immediately deport without due process.
b) Build five-star accommodations (at great expense, considering the number of arrivals) to house them while reviewing their case.
c) Hold them together confined in, of necessity, less than great accommodations while under review. Reasonable for the adult, but is it reasonable for the child?
d) Place the child in the loving custody of a relative, sometimes a parent, in the U.S.
e) Place the child in the custody of a willing foster parent while the adult is processed.
f) Release them both on the streets to fend for themselves.
g) Release into the U.S. immediately with generous unconditional welfare.
h) What else?
The END.
1. The Trump administration isn’t changing the rules that pertain to separating an adult from the child.

For example: