Do you guys know what STATELESSNESS is???
Let's have a discussion tonight on Statelessness topic.. shall we??
In International law, a stateless person is someone who is "not considered as a national by any state under the operation of its law"
Have you ever met anyone who is stateless before??
eg : someone who doesn't have any identification and cant have any.
A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war, or violence.
An internally displaced person is someone who is forced to flee his or her home but who remains within his or her country's borders. They are often referred to as refugees, although they do not fall within the legal definitions of a refugee.
CITIZENSHIP LAW for each country differs from one to another. Broadly speaking, there's 2 types :
1. Jus Soli
2. Jus Sanguinis
Some countries practiced both.
Jus Sanguinis - By decent, the principle by which a child acquires the nationality of his or her parents. Eg: Haiti
A child born in the country is entitled to Malaysian nationality THROUGH HIS OR HER PARENTS. If either his / her parents is a Malaysia national or Permenant resident, the child is a national.
By law, you are a Malaysian if your parents are
Sadly, the answer is YES , WE DO!!
West Malaysia - Around 13k known cases among tamil indians.
East Malaysia - 800k known cases of undocumented people in Sabah
Eg of the benefits and rights :
1. Education
2. Healthcare
3. Employment
4. Protection from crimes
5. Saving
6. Housing
During the early days when we start the process of registrations of nationality in Malaysia, unfortunately some of the communities of Tamil Indian were left behind in the process, mostly due to limited acess to informtion
Development of Human Resources for Rural Areas (DHRRA Malaysia)
1. Nomadic ethnic - Bajau laut
2. Marginalized communities
3. Child of legal/illegal immigrants that were born here,& were left when their parents were captured by the authorities.
Other cases that caused the child to be born stateless :
1. Born from non recognized married (where they get married overseas and the marriage was not registered here) parents
2. Born out of wedlock (anak luar nikah)
3. One of the parents is stateless
I've met some stateless children from West Malaysia before. They told me how they struggled to go to school, they need to pay high fee to enter Public School!! Sometimes even thousands of ringgit. They were denied access by TEACHERS to enter the class.