[The spin to justify this is] About two thirds comes back to the Govtin tax from activities related to the production🤨 nzherald.co.nz/business/news/…
The sketchy summaries below are from Bloomberg.
I hope @MattNippert will follow up with an article on LECG / Sapere
🐘What is required to become an “Expert Lay Member of NZ’s High Court?”🐘👇🏼

Who are these people?
What is the basis of their alleged superior expertise?
What are their political, and corporate connections?
NZ needs to become more transparent in who is providing advice, and their connections
In addition Bloomberg lists other “consulting” companies called Sapere
Bloomberg says Sapere was previously LECG
🐘Were LECG/Sapere involved with TPP
Were any of the corps who were given an inside track on the secretive trade pacts being used as “advisors” by govt?
What are their connections?
It should exist, and the info should be in the public domain.
If it doesn’t exist, and is not publicly accessible; the potential for fraud and cronyism is huge.