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Jun 10th 2023
When you cross-reference the dates of the documents in the indictment with coverage of the Trump administration, a picture emerges that should be chilling to any freedom loving American.…

See below thread for the first 8 counts (more to follow) ImageImage
Doc Dated: May 3, 2018

>> May 3, 2018 News: EO13831, USAF C130 crash, Vladimir Putin's 4th Presidential Inauguration, 18 Rs nominate Trump for Nobel Peace Prize re: denuclearization of Korean Peninsula, and US, Canada & Mexico NAFTA ImageImage
Read 45 tweets
Jun 7th 2023
"Alix partners appointed by Bank of Scotland as receivers to a company owned by the indirect owners of the Telegraph Media Group and the Spectator… they’ve replaced the Barclay brothers on their boards"

Bank of Scotland?
"Alix made a number of changes to the board of TMG and the Spectator, including removing David Barclay’s sons Aidan and Howard, as well as Barclay family appointee Philip Peters, from their boards."…

Read 10 tweets
Apr 25th 2023
2012: Crow family granted passports through a cash-for-citizenship scheme.
🚩 Documents provided to the Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation suggest Crow and his brother Trammell S. paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for the passports. 🎩 @RNDog12 Image
"The documents were leaked from Henley and Partners, a London-based firm known for assisting the ultra-wealthy in obtaining “golden passports,” which allow the holders to shield assets from their home country’s tax authorities." Image
Even when tens of thousands of St. Kitts and Nevis business documents appeared in the “#ParadisePapers” leak, company ownership was still hidden because the jurisdiction keeps so little information filed. Image
Read 12 tweets
Mar 20th 2023
"Nova Registry Ltd. is the new Registry Operator for the .link generic top-level domain. Based in Valletta, Malta, Nova was founded by a collective of tech entrepreneurs and domain industry professionals "

Let's follow the offshore links..
Nova Registry Director
Manuel Debono
Managing Director at Bosteco Overseas Specialised Services Limited
Turnbull, Flinn, Calesso #ParadisePapers

Newhaven International Consultants Ltd caught my eye…
Read 17 tweets
Mar 16th 2023
Seven years ago, I called #LeonardCohen's *Everybody Knows* "the perfect anthem for our times."

> Everybody knows the fight was fixed
> The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
> That’s how it goes
> Everybody knows… 1/ A smoke-filled room lit by ...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
That was just after Cohen died, and while the world seems to want to settle on *Hallelujah* as his totemic song, *Everybody Knows* keeps inserting itself into the discourse, in the most toxic, hope-draining way possible. 3/
Read 60 tweets
Mar 1st 2023
@CloeILogan About 5 years after being slapped w. one of the largest fines for environmental pollution in Canadian history, Irving Pulp and Paper has received a federal loan for up to $100M to help clean up waste effluent from the mill. #Oligarchy #nbpoli…
Nov. 2022: @poitrasCBC & @fredericzalac reported the #Irvings created an offshore insurance co. in the #TaxHaven of Bermuda that allowed it to accumulate over $13M in untaxed income between 1973 and 2001. #FMALtd…
Read 5 tweets
Jul 7th 2022
1/ Today, ICIJ unveils a bold new brand, mission and vision to expand our global reporting collaborations and renew our commitment to telling stories that show how the world really works — triggering positive change in tumultuous times. 🧵
2/ With democracy & press freedom under attack globally, authoritarianism & inequality on the rise, and corporations increasingly operating beyond the realms of accountability, wealth & influence have accumulated in the hands of a powerful elite – secretly hoarded out of reach.
3/ ICIJ has directed the largest cross-border reporting initiatives in history, convincing reporters across the globe to set aside traditional rivalries to uncover corruption, abuses of power and grave harms inflicted on the world's most vulnerable people.
Read 8 tweets
Jun 7th 2022
🧵/ Days ago, the U.S. blocked the Madame Gu yacht and other holdings linked to sanctioned Russian billionaire Andrei Skoch.

#ParadisePapers reveals the network of middlemen he used to acquire the yacht and other luxury assets worth hundreds of millions.
The U.S. aims to degrade the key networks used by Putin’s allies to anonymously hide and move money via luxury assets around the world, and targets prominent individuals as well as yacht brokerages, defense industry entities and other service companies.
The "richest man in the Duma" deployed tactics similar to other oligarchs by using an elite firm, a web of shell companies and a trusted proxy — in this case, his romantic partner — to finance the acquisition of two yachts and a villa, leaked records show. A leaked memo states that Elena Likhach has children with buA leaked memo states that Elena Likhach has children with bu
Read 9 tweets
Apr 1st 2022
Today at #SEJ2022, ICIJ reporter @shirafu will talk about strategies to #followthemoney in environmental journalism with @manuelaandreoni, @sashachavkin and @schapiro at 11am.

Here’s some of Scilla’s investigative reporting on who profits from environmental abuses. 👇
In #PandoraPapers, @shirafu investigated the financial maneuvers of the founding family of Solvay at a time when the Belgian chemical giant was charged with poisoning a factory town’s groundwater and cleanup failures at their sites. #SEJ2022
To investigate the contamination claims against the company, @shirafu traveled to northern Italy and New Jersey to interview workers and families who live near Solvay factories and experienced health problems like cancer. #SEJ2022

🎥 Watch here:
Read 6 tweets
Mar 22nd 2022
NEW: OCCRP and the @guardian uncover how the Russian-Uzbek oligarch Alisher Usmanov places his assets beyond the reach of sanctions through secretive offshore jurisdictions, trusts, and Swiss bank accounts. #RussianAssetTracker 1/…
Pulling from leaked data sets including #SuisseSecrets, #PanamaPapers, and #FinCenFiles, reporters pieced together a partial picture of how Usmanov has obscured his holdings —including by making his sister, a Tashkent gynecologist, one of the major beneficiaries. 2/
Saodat Narzieva is listed as the beneficial owner of 27 accounts at Swiss banking giant Credit Suisse.

One of these accounts held a max balance of over $2.1 billion. Others held max balances in the hundreds of millions. 3/
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Mar 22nd 2022
Eine #Taskforce sollte die Probleme bei der Durchsetzung der #Sanktionen lösen. Kanzleramt und Bundesregierung bekamen dafür vor 10Tagen viel gute Presse. Viel passiert ist seither aber offenbar nicht. Ein Thread mit ein paar neuen Infos: 1/x #Oligarchen #Putin #Russland #Ukraine
Nachdem Medien über Probleme bei der Umsetzung der Sanktionen gerade gegen sogenannte #Oligarchen berichtet hatten (u.a.… und… und…), kündigte die Bundesregierung vor 10Tagen an, eine #Taskforce einzurichten.2/x
Dabei wurde gezielt der Eindruck erweckt, der @Bundeskanzler mache Thema zur Chefsache. Auf „direkte Bitte des Bundeskanzlers“ sollte Kanzleramt und Staatssekretär @joergkukies eine „übergeordnete koordinierende Rolle“ einnehmen. 3/x…
Read 19 tweets
Mar 14th 2022
🧵 Russian oligarchs now being widely targeted with sanctions have featured prominently across several ICIJ investigations.

Here's some of the offshore dealings we’ve previously uncovered about political elites close to Vladimir Putin. #RussiaArchive👇
🔴 Alisher Usmanov

#ParadisePapers showed that a firm connected to the Uzbek-Russian billionaire provided a link between Russian state money and large early investments in Facebook.

Read more in the #RussiaArchive:
🔴 Gennady Timchenko

#PandoraPapers reporting revealed a series of massive loans between anonymous offshore shell companies and a firm the oil magnate registered in Cyprus.
Read 8 tweets
Mar 10th 2022
The U.K. becomes the first Western government to target Roman Abramovich, billionaire owner of British soccer club Chelsea FC, in a raft of new sanctions against Russian oligarchs (via @WSJ):

Abramovich appeared in the #FinCENFiles and #ParadisePapers.
ICIJ’s Latvian partner @rebaltica used #FinCENFiles to trace payments between Abramovich’s business empire and his former business partner Oleg Deripaska — also sanctioned by the U.K. today.

Much of his money flowed through Expobank in Latvia’s capital.
In #FinCENFiles, ICIJ partners @BBCArabic and @haaretzcom identified Roman Abramovich as an anonymous donor who spent $100M bankrolling a controversial Israeli settler organization.

BBC also found the Russian oligarch had secret stakes in rival players.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 8th 2022
1/ As Western governments target Russian oligarch assets hidden abroad, it’s worth remembering: money doesn’t just hide itself in offshore accounts and shell companies. It takes a village of enablers. 🧵
2/ Here are a few of the many lawyers, offshore agents & banks that have helped Russia’s elite move, hide and invest their money — identified by ICIJ over nearly a decade of reporting on offshore finance.
3/ London lawyer Alastair Tulloch. His firm set up companies for Russia’s former Deputy Finance Minister Andrey Vavilov; billionaire oligarch Alexander Mamut; and Vitaly Zhogin, a banker wanted in Russia for alleged fraud.
Read 17 tweets
Feb 27th 2022
What has the last decade of tax haven leaks revealed about Russian offshore wealth?

A comprehensive 🧵:
Before we begin, it must be said that Russian elites are not alone in hiding wealth offshore. Offshore wealth is a prevalent, global phenomenon, estimated in the magnitude of 10% of global GDP - per @annette_als @gabriel_zucman and N. Johannesen:…
But Russian offshore wealth does have particular features - in scale and nature.

For one, Russian elites hide significant larger proportions of their wealth offshore than large Western states.… Image
Read 26 tweets
Jan 16th 2022
A thread to break down Noem's 2022 State of the State address and opening of the 2022 Legislative session. #SDSoS

Using twitter to be able to track each point separately and have it available to whomever.

And yes, I'm full of self-loathing else I wouldn't listen to Noem speak.
Opens with a prayer from Rev. Craig Wexler of Pierre-Ft. Pierre Ministerial Association. Romans 13. #SDSoS…
The jist of R13 is for us to obey all public officials under any and all circumstance as that is the will of the christian god.

A demand for an unquestioning submittal to the authority of the State or face divine damnation.

Read 89 tweets
Dec 6th 2021
💡 It’s here! To bring more transparency to the hidden financial maneuvers of the offshore world, ICIJ is making #PandoraPapers data free and available for all to explore in the #OffshoreLeaks Database.
The #PandoraPapers is the most expansive leak of tax haven files in history, containing confidential information from 14 offshore service providers.

Today, we’re releasing structured data from two of those firms: Alcogal and Fidelity.
The #PandoraPapers’ 11.9 million records was the most complex offshore leak ICIJ has ever tackled.

Only 4% of the files were structured. We spent months exploring and analyzing them, extracting beneficial ownership and other information.
Read 12 tweets
Oct 10th 2021
Catching up on the #PandoraPapers? In the week since our 600+ journalism partners began publishing revelations from history's biggest offshore data leak, we’ve seen fallout all around the world.

Here’s a quick walk-through of key findings. #SundayRead 🧵
First of all, what do we mean by “offshore”?

The #PandoraPapers kick the door open on a secretive financial system that allows the wealthy and well-connected to set up covert companies across borders in tax havens, where the ownership of money and assets can be easily hidden.
🌴 In popular imagination, the offshore system is often seen as a far-flung cluster of palm-shaded islands.

The #PandoraPapers show that the offshore money machine operates in every corner of the planet, including the world’s largest democracies.
Read 11 tweets
Oct 6th 2021
L’hebdomadaire voulu par le milliardaire Daniel Kretinsky prend forme (groupe CMI)... Vendu environ 2 euros, il paraîtra le mercredi à partir du mois de vasy que jte fais une gagnotte kisskisstrucbank 😂 #milliardaire #gagnotte #echarperouge #kamoulox
Vous parlerez de votre patron cité ds les #PanamaPapers et qui a 2 holdings au Luxembourg ?? 😂 (EP Investment et EP Investment II➡️ 2,3 milliards d'euros bien au chaud à l'abri... ) ImageImage
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Oct 4th 2021
By now, you've likely heard about the #PandoraPapers - the landmark reporting on financial secrecy havens, corruption, and the hidden wealth brought to you by the @ICIJorg and its 140 media partners worldwide.…

1/ The main image for the ICIJ's Pandora Papers site, a tsunami
This isn't the ICIJ's first rodeo: they're the same consortium that brought us the #PanamaPapers and #ParadisePapers, leaks from the world's tax havens and the elite law and accounting firms that enable the wealthy and powerful to live by different rules from the rest of us.

Each of these leaks have been almost unimaginably large: millions of documents, the otherwise invisible paper-trail left by likewise unimaginably vast fortunes amassed by the 0.1%. The scale and scope of these secrets makes them too big for any one news org to report out.

Read 40 tweets
Oct 3rd 2021
Séisme mondial.
35 chefs d’État & 130 milliardaires (Tony Blair, DSK, rock-stars etc) épinglés dans les #PandoraPapers pour avoir placé des milliers de milliards de $ à l’abri dans les paradis fiscaux : ils volent l'Etat et font sécession pour satisfaire leurs intérêts privés

Et désormais les #PandoraPapers : en moins de 10 ans, ces affaires illustrent combien le système financier international permet et encourage la criminalité en col blanc, en toute impunité.
En pratiquant l'#EvasionFiscale à grande échelle, chefs d'Etat, milliardaires, stars du showbiz piétinent l'intérêt général : ces milliards d'euros détournés sont autant de crèches, d'écoles, d'hôpitaux qui ne sont pas construits, et de politiques climatiques non menées.
Read 10 tweets
Oct 3rd 2021
1/. #PandoraPapers reveal secret dealings of 330+ politicians & officials - including 35 current & former heads of state & govt

Exposé is based on a leaked dataset of 11.9 million files from all over the world & include disclosures about Tory party donors…
2/. “The tax system is a haven of scams, perks, City deals and profits" (#TonyBlair 1994)

The #PandoraPapers reveal the Blair’s bought an offshore firm that owned the £6.5m house they were buying so did not have to pay £312,000 in stamp duty @BBCPanorama…
3/. The #PandoraPapers expose offshore accounts of world leaders, billionaires, oligarchs & criminals

It should lead to a crackdown on tax loopholes & money laundering...but we’ve been here before

What was the impact of #PanamaPapers & #ParadisePapers?
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Oct 3rd 2021
🚨 After #Panama, it’s #PandoraPapers: facing regulatory heat, elite Indians find new ways to ringfence wealth in secret havens #ExpressInvestigation | @ICIJorg
Why does this matter? There are at least 380 persons of Indian nationality in the #PandoraPapers. These are a part of 11.9 million leaked files from 14 global corporate services firms. @iyervaidy explains #ExpressExplained
Secret records of #PandoraPapers investigated by us show several cases of big-ticket loan defaulters who declare themselves bankrupt before recovery tribunals – some have even arrested – but hold billions via offshore entities. #ExpressInvestigation
Read 23 tweets
Jul 25th 2021
24/. It may be tempting to frame this as “a battle btw democracies & autocracies” BUT the problem of malign surveillance is inseparable from the wider assaults on our privacy that are intrinsic to our daily online life.
#Pegasus #PegasusProject @NewYorker… ImageImageImageImage
25/. “My work to expose the crimes of the Saudi regime led to a hacking attempt on my phone. Today, I am overwhelmed by feelings of vulnerability & intrusion.”

Analyst @MadawiDr, on how #PegasusProject findings have affected her. #Pegasus @declassifiedUK…
26/. Alarmed by #PegasusProject revelations that #Pegasus has been used to facilitate worldwide human rights violations on a mass scale, 146 NGOs call on states to implement an immediate moratorium on the sale, transfer & use of surveillance technology… Image
Read 57 tweets

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