Would you like to see Congress be a check on President Trump?
Yes: 71%
No: 20%
Including 51% of Republicans saying yes.
Stunner and makes you wonder about the hot takes surrounding Rep Sanford.
Would you like to see the Supreme Court be a check on President Trump?
Yes: 65%
No: 24%
Including a plurality of Republicans, 48% yes to 37% no.
Are you more motivated to vote in this election than previous elections?
Republicans: 41% yes
Independents: 48% yes
Democrats: 58% yes
That's a 17 point enthusiasm gap between Democrats and Republicans.
Do you approve of Trump's travel ban against citizens of five Muslim majority countries.?
Approve: 49%
Disapprove: 46%
Do you think it was the right thing or wrong thing to change the rules so that Supreme court nominees required 51 votes?
Right: 33%
Wrong: 55%
If Democrats win the 2018 House race, would you like to see them begin the process of impeachment?
Yes: 38%
No: 56%
Do you think the president's trade policies are good or bad for the US economy?
Good: 39%
Bad: 50%
Will Trump's actions result in a trade war?
Yes: 52%
No: 48%
Is a trade war good or bad for the US economy?
Good: 17%
Bad: 73%