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I'm not on the #TrumpTrain, as I don't believe he's the right messenger for us.

However, we must renew our Oath to one another, promoting Liberty and conserving the values of which we've been entrusted, as enshrined in our civic literature and Washington's Farewell. #MAGA
Read 4 tweets
1. #TRUMP supporters across the country are turning out in HUGE numbers not only to see a #TrumpRally but also to participate in a #TrumpCaravan or a #TrumpParade this was ours a few weeks ago #TrumpCountry 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
2. Massive Jewish #TrumpParade passes by Trump Tower on 5th ave in the heart of NYC!! #Trump2020 #JewsForTrump
3. So many Trump parades in New York today! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 #Trump2020 #TrumpParade #Trump2020Landslide
Read 25 tweets
Hawaii ICYMI you can vote in person on every island. Pls go out and vote. The dems think they’re deserving of your vote. They think we’re too stupid to vote anything other than Democratic. Prove them wrong. Make it happen. Vote straight ballot red. Here’s is your GOP candidates.
In order for us to truly flip Hawaii red, we need to flip as many seats as possible. It’s imperative you know who to vote for. Don’t know just ask. Vote in person on any island. Here is your map. Click on the purple buildings to find your voting center.…
Not only do we need to win the electoral vote, we need to overwhelming win the popular vote so there is no question that Hawaii stands with @realDonaldTrump. Prove the Democrats wrong. They don’t deserve our vote just because Hawaii has voted Dem for generations. Prove them wrong
Read 16 tweets

—(( #TrumpVideoLibrary ))—

Read 11 tweets
Very interesting new take down of a Romanian Troll farm of accounts posing at African Americans posing as Pro-Trump. Just Breaking story by @oneunderscore__ #infoOps #disinfo #osint #infosec…
The suggestion is this troll farm was run by this cutout fake account David Adrian @DavidAdrian_USA. This is his account before he changed it to a new one that got subsequently suspended. #infoOps
Here are a couple of memes David Adrian @DavidAdrian_USA from the Romanian troll farm recently tweeted. I was just able to pull them from the Google Cache. Guessing there will be more interesting stuff to glean from Archive[.]org
Read 13 tweets
Robert E. Murray, U.S. coal baron who pressed Trump admin to help save America’s struggling miners, placed his company into bankruptcy as demand for the fossil fuel continues to weaken

Murray Energy Holdings Co. filed for Chapter 11 protection in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Ohio
The miner -- largest privately owned U.S. coal company -- reached a restructuring support agreement to restructure more than $2.7 billion of debt
Read 3 tweets
Today my 12 year old asked me why people still support trump. I answered that I really didn’t know. Later, while mowing the yard, I thought about it and came up with several reasons.
As I thought about it, I realized that a lot of the reasons sounded like things various characters from the Office would think. Here’s what I came up with:
Read 19 tweets
Let's talk about Twitter's rigged system.

I was here from the moment President @realDonaldTrump came down the escalators and announced his candidacy.

The first sneaky thing they did was stop any negative hashtags about #CrookedHillary
The next thing they did was stop any pro Trump hashtags from trending .

Once they saw that those dirty tricks weren't enough to stop the #TrumpTrain , they began to bury all positive comments on The President's tweets and move the bad ones to the top.
Twitter then began to shaddowban and throttle big pro trump accounts and eventually starting banning them for the dumbest things. My friend Amy from truthfeed got banned for calling MS13 animals. Many more such cases .
Read 8 tweets
Liberty U CIO John Gauger created software to rig Online Polls for Donald Trump, & created the @WomenForCohen twitter account that posted, "Love to see good #Christian people on board the #TrumpTrain #Liberty #Trump2016”:…
"Freeping"; Stacking polls by direct persons online to the poll:
The Alt-Right, and the practice of freeping polls before #Election2016:

Read 15 tweets
Let's all of us (#MAGA and #Resistance) compare how many mass murdering terrorists are aligned with the progressive left in terms of feminism, LGBT+ equality, racial equality, religious equality... and how many are aligned with the conservative right in terms of the same:
1) Timothy McVeigh + 2 accomplices (168 deaths + at least 680 injuries in Apr 1995)

What does everybody (#MAGA #Resistance #TrumpTrain #BlueWave #BuildTheWall #ImpeachTrump #RedWave #VetsAgainstTrump) think: Progressives or Conservatives?
2) Eric Rudolph (2 deaths + at least 120 injuries from July 1996 – Jan 1998)

What does everybody (#MAGA #Resistance #TrumpTrain #BlueWave #BuildTheWall #ImpeachTrump #RedWave #VetsAgainstTrump) think: Progressive or Conservative?
Read 21 tweets
This is the start of my thread called "In Your Dreams".

It's really about a nightmare. It's about the upcoming midterm elections and about the scary things that might happen.

Popcorn anyone?
1) I had a nightmare last night. The Democrats took control of Congress. I like my other reoccurring nightmare better, the one where a zombie is chasing me but the safety on my 380 is stuck. I have that one over and over. The thought of the Dems taking Congress is scarier.
2) When I woke up I started researching what can happen if the Dems DO take Congress in November. I’d rather have the Zombie dream again. At least then I could keep my purse pistol, it’s a small semi-automatic. I suspect semi’s will be one of the first things they take away.
Read 20 tweets

#Obama's Secret Army FOUND! (SES) Senior Executive Service

79 Mins

#SaturdayMorning #U1P #WakeUp #Truth #QAnon #MAGA #TrumpTrain #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #nwo #DeepState #CCOT #TCOT #StayWoke #GreatAwakening #WeThePeople #ObamaGate #NotABot
Sorry bout system sounds but Keepvid no longer allows DL of vids. whatever, I wanted u to have a clip of this long vid

#SaturdayMorning #U1P #WakeUp #Truth #QAnon #MAGA #TrumpTrain #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #nwo #DeepState #CCOT #StayWoke #GreatAwakening #WeThePeople #ObamaGate
Everything hidden comes to the light of exposure

Rewteet this video please

#SaturdayMorning #U1P #WakeUp #Truth #QAnon #MAGA #TrumpTrain #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #nwo #DeepState #CCOT #StayWoke #GreatAwakening #WeThePeople #ObamaGate
Read 11 tweets
1/ #MondayMotivaton #AmericaFirst #2020Vision #Midterms2018 #Election2020 #Trump2020
So... We’ve been thinking about this long and hard and really need some objective opinions. PLEASE Respond below, RT & encourage response.
2/ My fellow Americans who support a Liberated AMERICA run by The People, for The People & .@POTUS .@realDonaldTrump :

Why r we attacking each other & trying to break apart our highly successful Revolution when we’ve come this far?
3/ America comes before your twisted panty wads EVERY DAY 24/7 🛑 JUST STOP 🛑 #Prize2020

Bill Mitchellites?
Libertarian InfoWars?
GOP Underground but in our face Political Activists/Hucksters?

Read 38 tweets

1} My Dear Friend Geri,

With all due respect to current #NonProfits serving Refugees & Immigrants - their Branding & Messaging are #Tragically #Weak.

#OurAmericanKids🇺🇸 are BEING #SCAPEGOATED & #WE, the Liberals of #OurCountry we call the United States of America...
2} ...get OUR #Truthful-#Propaganda #LUNCH handed to us - #EVERY #DAMNED #TIME there's a watershed political issue.

My opinion as a 25-year #Duke MBA-trained-#Strategist, is that "Dreamers" is a well-intentioned, but desperately INEFFECTIVE MONIKER for #OurAmericanKids. Scapegoats for American Fascists
3} My dog #Sadie is a very #Active #Dreamer. Hitler #Dreamed about ruling an #AryanPlanet.

Un-@realDonaldTrump dreams of building a wall "SO fucking HIGH," that planes can't #LAND in #Texas without traveling 100-miles North of our Southern Border - just to pull a #giant U-ey✈️ Hitler Dreamed of an Aryan Planet-Earth.U-Turn in the sky
Read 22 tweets
President Trump is PLAYING the democrats, Jack. He knows they will reject this deal that is MORE than generous to their interests, and show us again how irrelevant they are. Then R's will pass a more conservative #DACA bill with no dem support, claim ALL credit, and WIN!!! #MAGA
When Congress passed Tax Reform last month, @realDonaldTrump got every single democrat to vote AGAINST the American people. Democrats CAN'T do a deal with the President because they are so captive to their radical #Resist base. They lose every time!!! #MAGA
As the #SchumerShutdown demonstrated last weekend, @realDonaldTrump set up the democrats, pulled their pants down and showed us their ugly wrinkled butts. They are once again being played by an apex predator and a master negotiator. #MAGA
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You get .5 mBTC Bitcoin for free & if you have an android or PC you can mine more #Bitcoin with free Smart Miner software.

Just register with email address & a password

#SundayMorning #AMJoy #QAnon #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #GreatAwakening #TrumpTrain #MAGA
I guess people do not believe something is FREE even tho they are told that it is FREE.

FREE MONEY, yea its only $6.50 in #Bitcoin, but it's free & can grow 4 FREE

See Thread, not a scam!

#SundayMorning #AMJoy #QAnon #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #GreatAwakening #TrumpTrain #MAGA #BTC
Read 13 tweets
This ENDS the Russia Narrative, I DECREE it in Jesus' Name! #CrowdStrike #QAnon

please see thread! retweet, share
#CrowdStrike #Qanon

please see thread!
Read 57 tweets

01] Q states that 80% of the operations are done behind the scenes and 20% will become public. More happening than we know

Anonymous 12/27/17 (Wed) 10:38:09

Hang in there patriots
• POTUS knows the truth about the domestic and foreign “bad actors”

• He wants to expose it; clean it up for the sake of America
• POTUS wants to give our country back to the people; to stop the “rigging”

#QAnon #Breaking #TheStormHasArrived #TheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #WhoIsQAnon #CBTS #TrumpTrain
• Key staff within the White House, Secret Service, Dept of Homeland Security, NSA and the military are backing him 100%. Many behind the scenes heroes.
• Those operations to EXPOSE and CLEAN UP have been underway for a year.

Read 11 tweets

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