a) Evolution is hogwash. Man did not descend from apes
b) Price controls work. They can help counter inflation
c) Minimum wage laws do not cause unemployment
d) Unemployment insurance does not disincentivise work
A will grab the headlines
B, C and D will not even be acknowledged as gaffes, leave alone making it to headline news!
It exerts a certain ideological despotism which makes any criticism of it or its figures amount to "heresy"
Darwin's "Theory of Evolution" ofcourse has a special status. Because it helps the "progressives" browbeat us religious types.
"Oh...I have no clue about Theory of Relativity" or "Chaos theory"...
THat's OK.
But you are not supposed to say - "Hey..I just don't understand Evolution"
That's NOT on!
Science revels in "incontrovertible" statements. It adores the "Fact-value" distinction
Facts are the domain of "Science". But societies also need "Values"
Science cannot provide us with values
The Hindu idea of a good life is different from a Muslim's. Which in turn is different from that of a Jew
This troubles the "votaries" of Science
"Science has an implicit argument that science is important; it is a grand project for making human life more reasonable, less customary, less concerned with ambition and greatness"
Tesla is "better" in an objective sense than Chevrolet.
Chevrolet is better than Model T.
Model T was better than bullock carts.
We cannot quite say that Machiavelli is "better" than Aristotle.
Nor can we say whether Picasso is "better" than Michelangelo.
Or if "Mulholland Drive" is a "better" movie than "Citizen Kane".
Non Science defies "linearity. Defies "progress"
All countries, big and small, poor and rich, were exhorted to move towards "democracy". As "Democracy" meant "Progress".
There is that guy Lee Kuan Yew in SIngapore, who did a great job, while remaining undemocratic
There's "undemocratic" China that grew at a faster rate than any country in human history for 3 decades
Eg: NASA needs funds from those "dirty", "irrational" politicians to function
The various AI labs need the investment from businessmen in Tech companies to sustain their operations
It owes no gratitude to the world of "values". Instead it merely sees the social support for it as the "duty" of the rest of society towards it.
After all, "Science" is good for its own sake. It can never be evil ;)
A qualifier: The thread was not an attack on Science per se. But more a critique of the hegemony of the "scientific mindset" esp when extended to other domains
I don't wish to be misinterpreted as someone who supports "creationism"