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STEALTH JEFF @drawnandstrike
, 12 tweets, 3 min read Read on Twitter
1) Okay, folks, buckle up, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride. From what I am now hearing, and this is from no less than 5 reliable sources, Rod J. Rosenstein is going to RESIGN IN PROTEST next week just prior to the contempt vote against him. You heard me. RR is out. Finito. Kaput.
2) He will be followed out the door by an as yet undetermined number of senior DOJ officials who have had enough of this charade of congressional meddling masquerading as oversight. The implications of this are obviously massive and could bring down the WH and the Republic.
3) At least that’s what MSM will be telling you 24/7 for the next two weeks. HAHAHA!! See where I’m going with this, guys? That’s right. It’s all POTP (part of the plan). Here’s what’s REALLY going on:
4) Rosenstein’s resignation has been in the works for months and is the masterstroke of all masterstrokes. How so? Trust me. You will see it soon enough. But wait, why now you ask?
5) First, think what the Rosenstein/Sessions show has revealed. Think of the thousands of text messages IG made public. Think of the names we never would have known. Think of all the idiots who have hanged themselves.
6) Exhibit A: The look on Strzok’s face walking in to testify before the committee. You all saw it. That self-satisfied smirk. He fancies himself an Untouchable. He thinks he’s the new Elliot Ness. Moron. The man is standing IN FRONT OF A TRAIN with his pants down.
7) All those lost/deleted texts you keep hearing about. They aren’t lost at all. Guess who has them. And guess who just perjured himself. Yep. Enjoy #Leavenworth, Pete.
8) Look for Sessions to give a primetime press conference and expertly play the role of AG-under-siege, waxing philosophical on the legal dilemma of RR’s departure and its possible bearing on Mueller’s obstruction case. That should keep MSM frothing until August. Perfect.
9) You know my feelings about Jordan and Gaetz and the rest of the grandstanding liars and leakers on the Hill. They are out of the loop by NECESSITY and have made this far more difficult for everyone than it had to be.
10) But witness the glorious poetic justice of what has transpired. As Rosenstein exits into the wings head held high, Jordan marinates in shame at center stage for his conduct at #OhioState.
11) As we say down here in Texas: Mess with the bull, get the horns. Lesson learned, Jimbo? I thought so. Jordan and his cohorts will go down in history as mercenaries and conmen like the criminals they are protecting.

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