J: But you were silent about Trump investigation for entire campaign, right?
S: Yes.
J: So you could've stopped Trump before election?
S: Yes.
Strzok eyes look like they are about to roll back into his head as Jordan starts in on what is at least his 4th round of questioning.
"My colleagues have disgraced themselves today," Raskin concludes.
Maybe a clip of his show trial monologue will find its way on to @seanhannity's show.
Hice seems to think the FBI should've dropped everything for Anthony Weiner's laptop in Oct 2016, and forgotten about foreign interference in the presidential election.
Strzok retorts by characterizes his inability to do so as "stunning."
Cringe-worthy stuff.
@RepGoodlatte doesn't give Strzok the opportunity to try and restore his reputation by correcting the record.