“Accidental exposure”
Porton Down, where the Brits were experimenting with the same types of nerve agents, is located next door to where Skripal and his daughter were found.

“Alcoholism & drug addiction, stress, severe nervous breakdown & depression are the inevitable occupational diseases of the traitor. And as a result— heart attacks, strokes, traffic accidents—and, finally, suicide.”

“Untrustworthy or Complicit Lab”
RT is attempting to preemptively discredit the lab analyzing the nerve agent thought to be used, reporting that Porton Down is mired in controversy, has been accused of experimenting on humans.

“Accidental Overdose”
Skripal and his daughter may have overdosed on Fentanyl.

“Stoking Russophobia”
“Slow deaths are good for news stories. Just as #Litvinenko was being slowly poisoned with weak poison, this comrade [Skripal] is being slowly poisoned with weak poison to prolong Western news coverage.”

"The West Made Up Novichok To Destroy Russia's Reputation as a "Peacemaker," Distract from its "Successes" in Syria"