A thread.
This was a fight we won. Not something handed to us. Stop framing it as such.
Under current "reviewing" systems I see an increase in applications but not in badges handed out.
Unfortunately they avoid the reality that disabled and neurodiverse people also have lives.
It reinforces the idea that work is liberating to the disabled.
For physically disabled, neurodiverse and mentally ill people, the workplace may be inaccessible.
Badges do nothing when invisibly disabled people are frequently confronted as to the reality of their disability.
Visibly disabled people don't get it easier.
But they're not helpful when:
We can't get support anyway,
Support is so easily stripped from us,
People will still accuse us of faking it, undermining our health and validity,
People think of parking spaces as the only access arrangement we need.
Predominantly because there's never enough disabled parking spaces.
Bets on they aren't gonna make more of those and we'll try to fight each other over who's more valid, who's more "deserving" of parking there.
It's a small step forward but causes its own problems...
Even within their own communities.
Cultures need to change to make the best effect of these.