much love to our city councilors who remain seated during this bit of performative nationalism during our cville city council meetings.
i’m told the auditorium is likely full of staff for the recognition of a retirement.…
“if you see something, say something” — he encourages people to call the police about anything unusual.
“we have a rather unique situation” due to our regional emergency communications structure with the city, county, and UVA. he praises staff in all jurisdictions.
she first addresses kessler’s withdrawal of his request for a permit. says this doesn’t change planning.
“our planning is to be very flexible and to be very nimble.”
major road closures & parking restrictions downtown from the 10th-12th
“we are excited and humbled” to be here.
can’t wait to see what new toys they’ve got to terrorize us with.
“this is one plan. it is one team.”
every speaker has underlined this point hard.
he says they first met with the state incident management team back in january to “settle on some operational philosophies”
there will also be an information line staffed by volunteers that weekend. more on that later.
he emphasizes again that they have a unified command structure.
“we’re doing all that we can”... “not to have a redo of last year”
“is the decision gonna go to one person? the real answer to that is no.”
“we have to make sure that we can communicate with each other.” (maybe make sure your radios are all on the same frequency this year, bud)
he says there is a “large scale table top exercise next week” re: the communications plan.
(that’s: city police, city fire, county police, county fire, state police, and UVA)
nothing new or unexpected from this briefing.