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Dec 31st 2020
#SALE: Get *all* of my spiritual growth courses for $25 through 1.15.2021!!


Deets *safe link*:…
More courses:
Read 5 tweets
Oct 23rd 2020
1. Holy Spirit has been teaching me about the #wealth of the wicked and as I've focused on His Wisdom, I'm also commanding my tithe to serve me properly, too.

It has for years, of course, as you know from MMGT, but this is a multiplication that comes from focused faith and Image
2. expectation.

Here's an example. I was attempting to order something online to pickup a few days ago. I could not get the app or the website to work properly. After about 30 mins I went to the store and the item I was ordering was on #sale in the store for a lower amount than
3. what I would've paid buying online. And the standing in line at the store really wasn't any different nor did it take any more time than me placing the order online.

That's a benefit of being a tither. I'm sure you've experienced those savings as well. You want to buy one
Read 11 tweets
Jun 13th 2020
Wafanya Biashara wengi wanaingia katika mazoea ya kufanya kampeni za mauzo hasa wakati wa SIKUKUU au matukio maalum kwa muda fulani.
Je, kampeni ya Mauzo ni nini? #UsiuzeKamaWao #COVID19 Image
Read 21 tweets
Jan 8th 2020


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⬇️Will post pictures under this tweet
Read 57 tweets
Sep 14th 2018
Let's discuss this thread for our #GlobalEChats!

So what do you make of the wave of #ecommerce these days? Come delve into the ins and outs of it with us!
So #Entrepreneurs out there, what is ecommerce?

It just refers to electronic transactions done in the name of #sale and #purchase.

In simpler terms, you buy and sell things online with the #internet! That's it!
But to whom and from whom can these #transactions take place between? Surprisingly, it's not just between #business (B) and #Customers (C)!

It can take place between:
1. B2B
2. B2C
3. C2C (or P2P)
4. C2B
Read 11 tweets

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