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Gavin Sheridan @gavinsblog
7 years ago, 13 tweets, 4 min read Read on Twitter
Increasingly it feels like the entire country needs to go on strike until the State/Gov take housing seriously. The irony of saying that after the 2000-2006 debacle.
#strike4housing ? It's puzzling to me even if you look at it purely from economic growth perspective. Or demographic / family formation. The population is growing.
The best example I can see of how much we get is the info on
Here's the plan for building. Pillar 3.
I don't know who runs @RebuildingIrl (outsourced I guess?) Or who is in charge. But some questions about Rebuilding Ireland:

1. What are your KPIs?
2. Where is week by week data of housing commencements? (CSVs and co-ords)
3. Where is data for the pipeline for applications?
4. eg how many applications are in the system, nationally now? Is that enough?
5. How many housing units are currently under construction, today?
6. How many units were completed last month?
7. What's the mix of housing vs apartments?
Show me a map of all State-owned lands. Show me a map of all pending applications. Show me a map of completions.

The data is there, yet an inept Department and/or Minister can't seem to publish consistent, timely data. If it were a company you'd be fired by now.
If I was building @RebuildingIRL this would be some of the minimum information required, not glossy "plans" but actual execution, demonstrating performance. A bit like how @IrishRail tells you 95% of trains ran on time last week. Because y'know housing is, er, important.
Failing that, can we bring in some Dutch/German town planners / politicians and tell us how to do this?
First principles: 1) How many houses have we, vacant or not, and where? 2) How many are planned 3) How many are underway 4) How many are complete 5) How many do we need, in what density, and where

Our incompetent country can't seem to answer these basic questions.
that said, in a city like Dublin where cycling is huge, and booming, we still can't figure out how to isolate cycle lanes from roads. So housing is a whole other level of difficulty.
Anyways, I invite you to go to and tell me what you learned about WTAF is going on. Because all I got was PR guff, and no data.
Anyways, do I have much sympathy with this sort of direct action? Yes I bloody well do.

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