
What has then been happening is local press has been bought at fire sale prices
“We are coming to the end of the Murdoch era, thank god. But we need to make sure that the powerful of Silicon Valley don’t simply fill the void.”
#BylineFest #BylineFestival
Have to stop big Tech companies hoovering up small innovative Media Tech companies. They are becoming data monopolies that are stopping new forms of media models getting any foothold. This isn’t being regulated.
This giant tech firms hire lawyers and lobbyists to run rings round politicians and regulators. There’s a whole list of splintered regulators. Needs to be a stronger simpler approach.
1) Gov confirm or deny if NCA are investigating this
2) if not there must be an independent inquiry

And that wraps up his opening remarks. He gets warm applause.
Next up it’s journalist Nick Davies who broke phone hacking story
#BylineFest #BylineFestival


So organisations that are part of this should not be able to run ‘News’ organisations
Tom says yes, and Labours plan is not to believe they can’t be regulated but to bring the regulators together into a more powerful single point
They also launch phoney grassroots campaigns - astroturf - like ‘campaign for real Cooking’ which tend out to be backed by sugar industry
The speakers were:
@tom_watson @Bynickdavies @ivorgaber @Alaphia
Panel chair was @maryftz of @openDemocracy
Give them all a follow!
#BylineFest #BylineFestival