man, the father, the husband, the dedicated soldier, the dedicated police officer, the dedicated human being."
Prosecutor to her: "Do you think any mercy was shown on (#JordanEdwards) that night?
Landlord: "I wasn't there that night."
"He wasn't shown mercy but you think Roy should?"
Landlord: "Yes."
Prosecutor: "Do you feel like #JordanEdwards was protected that night?"
Landlord: "I'm not privy to things that happened that night." eventually adding "I think Roy was doing his job, but it took a tragic, tragic, tragic turn"
"He is not a murderer," she said.
He was convicted of murdering #JordanEdwards yesterday.
“That would depend upon the circumstances at the time” and says a police officer can respond by how they feel is necessary. #RoyOliver
"You can take that in several different directions. I might say that in certain a police never know what those people in those professions face daily."
"You are aware a jury found him guilty of murdering that young man, right?" state asks.
Fields says he's been involved in shootings. Says no ofc wants to go through that. Happens in split second.
"W/today's threats you just never know what kind of person you'll be confronting at that accident," he says.
#RoyOliver was off-duty when that incident happened.
"You realized he's required to come here, correct?" Prosecutor George Lewis asks.
"Yes," Kenner says.
"If ur referring what happened in this case, I wasn't there...I firmly believe he was trying to protect the other ofc involved...I don't agree w/(the verdict). It's up to (the jury) w/what happens," Keener says. #RoyOliver
“He needs his father’s love, his father’s income, his father’s guidance and support.