*And by "Better," I mean Stupider.
@patrickLSimpson found the connection over a year ago: thesternfacts.com/from-orange-re…
cc: @TundraEatsYou
Was that Dmytro Firtash's suggestion? Or Robert Shelter-Jones's?
Trying to be like Yuri Koshkin?
do you just really love Neptune, God of the Sea?
Why did @MichaelCohen212 hire YOU to be his LOLyer, Lanny?
Was it because of that whole "Ukraine Peace Plan" thing he did with Artemenko? "“It was called the Rovt-Weldon plan,” said Artemenko, noting that he had been friends with Weldon for almost a decade."
Or was it something to do with Michael's Father-in-Law lending $20M to the Shtayners in Chicago? (Cab Medallions often = MOB AF)
And I'm super-duper curious to find out who's paying Mikey's legal bills.
Ruh Roh those Ukraine ties are deep.