No general announces the plan of attack before storming a fortress, says @RobertGreene. But if you don't play games of deception, it's only wiser not to reveal what you're about to do.
Because it goes against timeless wisdom about human nature.
People create their own fictions to fit what you say with their preconceived notions. Action is the highest form of sincerity.
– If you meet your goals, people still judge you by their expectations, usually as a failure or a fraud.
– If you miss the target, you paint yourself as pathetic and incompetent.
If you can’t keep your mouth shut about your own plans and intentions, how can anyone trust you with theirs?
– You prime your Mind to stick to a preconceived plan without regard for new information and evolving conditions.
– You create unreasonable expectations among allies because plans never turn out exactly as intended.
Even with your most trusted friends, give information only on a need-to-know basis. By revealing too much, you can only overwhelm and paralyze them.
Keeping your mouth shut spares you the effort to get rid of them, avoids a hurtful rejection and protects them from potentially hurting themselves.
Jinxing isn't just someone your grandma told you about. It arises from well-known neuropsychological processes.
The brain's reward receptors activate as if you've already got what you want, so they get resistant as with a drug.
People sense this instinctively.
You're the only one who can deal with your own insecurities – through risky action and radical honesty to yourself.
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