Amnesty Int’l is calling on senators to halt the nom of SC nominee Kav over his "possible involvement" in human rights violations post terrorist attacks on 9/11/01
"in issues related to torture & rendition after 9/11."
Kav cd face a 4th sexual misconduct alleg’n
FL DEM cong’lcandidate April Freeman dies unexpectedly. Earlier this year, she won 77% of the vote in the DEM primary.
MD authorities confirmed they are aware of a potential second accusation of sexual assault in Montgomery County against Brett Kavanaugh.
Regardless of who would replace Rosenstein, Mueller would still have broad authority to conduct the probe as he sees fit; federal guidelines mandate that the special counsel “shall not be subject to the day-to-day supervision of any official of the dept.”
In #MeToo era, some big investors seek the right to fine firms hit by harassment scandals
📌Goldstone arranged the Trump Tower meeting at the request of a RU pop star Eminent Agalarov, says Mueller's team wanted to know about links between Trump & Russia.

Washington lawyer, a former White House counsel, under scrutiny by prosecutors in offshoot of Mueller probe #FARA
Russian opposition leader Navalny detained upon jail release:
Colombia Charges 13 Ex-Chiquita Executives for Financing Death Squads😱
Trump stands by Kavanaugh
Opposition grows to controversial deal between Beijing and the Vatican
In a first, Hong Kong bans pro-independence political party
Angela Merkel apologizes over Maassen's controversial promotion
Macron's popularity falls further in September
Blaming Israel for downed jet, Russia to sell Syria advanced missiles
US envoy to the UN, Nikki Haley, has implored Iran to “look in the mirror” for causes of the attack before it blames the US.
In a blow to Israel, RU says it will send Syria powerful antiaircraft missiles
Maldives election: Oppo defeats China-backed Abdulla Yameen
A large-scale police op into money laundering targeted the Airiston HelmiRE firm, led by a RUman with Maltese citizenship.
GOP Senators Push for Kavanaugh Vote on Friday
‘How’d you find me?’: Mark Judge has been holed up in a beach house in Delaware amid a firestorm.
Instagram co-founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger have resigned
U.S. diplomat found dead in Madagascar:State Dept…
Amnesty International is calling on senators to to halt the nom of SC nominee Kavanaugh over his "possible involvement" in human rights violations after the terrorist attacks on 9/11/01
"in issues related to torture and rendition after 9/11."…
Kavanaugh camp was a bit skittish on the idea.…
How Russia Helped Swing the Election for Trump
A meticulous analysis of online activity during the 2016 campaign makes a powerful case that targeted cyberattacks by hackers and trolls were decisive.…
Florida Democratic congressional candidate April Freeman dies unexpectedly, family says
Earlier this year, the 54-year-old wife and mother won 77 percent of the vote in the Democratic primary.…
Roger Stone sought contact with WikiLeaks' Julian Assange, email suggests
📌Important Nexus established…
Did Anthony Kennedy’s son loan Donald Trump $1 billion?
Deutsche Bank loaned Trump over $1 billion while Supreme Court Justice Kennedy’s son led a real-estate division
H/T @leesgirl9…………………
Attorney Michael Avenatti says third woman ‘reached out’ about sexual misconduct allegations against supreme court nominee
Tick, tick, tick...are there more?…
Why they are tripling down on Kavanaugh
🔥#DesperateMeasure to shift the narrative away from Kavanaugh scandal.
“The Strategy Was to Try and Do Something Really Big”: Trump Wanted to Nuke Rosenstein to Save Kavanaugh’s Bacon…………
Yale Law students seem to get what the Yale Law administration does not.……
Why Trump Hasn’t Fired Sessions
The president has reportedly been musing about firing his attorney general since last summer. Here's why it hasn't happened yet.
H/T @ManchuCandidate……
Three new allegations against President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee show the dangers of a hasty process.…
Trump's other potential SCOTUS nominee Ann Coney Barrett belongs to a group called People of Praise
Members swear a life loyalty oath, called a covenant, are accountable to a personal adviser, called a “head” for men & a “handmaid” for women……
Goldstone, who arranged the Trump Tower meeting at the request of a pop star, says Mueller's team wanted to know about links between Trump & Russia.
H/T @ericgarland…
What Happens to the Evidence if Trump Goes on a Firing Spree?
Backup options are likely already underway.
By Jed Shugerman
H/T @ManchuCandidate…
This is the case pending before the Supreme Court @GOP want passed to protect Trump. Ergo the rush to seat Kavanaugh…
“Obama’s summer fashion choice, was the talk of social media Thursday. It was both defended as a perfectly appropriate seasonal look and criticized as too big and wholly unpresidential for such serious subject matter.” 🙄🙄🙄

The Agonizingly Slow Downfall of K. T. McFarland
H/T @ManchuCandidate…
👉🏼Kavanaugh nominated on JULY 10, 2018.
👉🏼But who bought the domain on February 8, 2017?
👉🏼Who updated it on January 24, 2018?
Re: Kavanaugh’s nomination will be withdrawn.
📌Tick, tick, tick....
But of course sexual predators stick together.……
FBI investigation continues into 'odd' computer link between Russian bank and Trump Organization
📌We will be hearing more about this very soon
H/T @ManchuCandidate…
Did Justice Kennedy's Son Bail Out Jared Kushner on The 666 Building? It Appears So.
H/T @leesgirl9……
Kavanaugh could face a 4th sexual misconduct allegation.
MD authorities confirmed Monday that they are aware of a potential second accusation of sexual assault in Montgomery County against Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh.…
Between 1997 and 2004, executives of US based Chiquita paid $1.7 million to the United Self-Defenders of Colombia, a paramilitary group who are accused of killing 4,335 people, disappearing 1,306 people, and forcibly displacing 1,675 others.…
The Banana Wars: How The U.S. Plundered Central America On Behalf Of Corporations
H/T @BuffaloSojourn
A large-scale police operation into money laundering appears to have targeted the Airiston Helmi real estate firm, led by a Russian man with Maltese citizenship.…
Wow! Today was insane/bizarre in a lot of different ways.
The good news is we survived another day & after a good night’s sleep we will be ready to fight the good fight again
Stay buckled up as we ride another insane roller coaster tomorrow.
Apologies in advance if I don’t respond to your reply- my notifications clog & don’t load. DM me or @ me again to get my attn if important. Thank you.
September 24, 2018
Rest well #TeamPatriot #USVIA