I was a literal girl in a literal world and I didn't have time for that shit.
Literal girl. Literal world.
But now, I see how important understanding the importance of Semiotics is.
Frankly, I have never wanted to think about the secret meanings of a grotesque cartoon frog.
Pepe is stupid.
But Pepe matters.
But I brushed off the importance of the subtexts of pictures and symbols. (obviously i understood the importance of symbols like crosses or swastikas, but I never thought to look deeper
Now that I see how powerful subtexts of symbols are, and just how ABUNDANT they are, I see them everywhere.
Here's an example:
The Trident. I used to see a Trident and just think, Neptune, God of the sea.
Then one day in FARAland, I saw "Trident DMG."
Lanny Davis has, by my calculations from his Foreign Agents Registration Act filings, accepted $815K in fees from Dmytro Firtash, a Ukrainian oligarch who the DoJ has said is a "Top-Tier Comrade" of Russian mobsters.

Why that word?
I did a little digging.
And I found the Tryzub.
Quite a lot of meaning embedded there, eh?
I don't *know* why Lanny named his Ukraine-oligarch-funded firm Trident.
But I do find it interesting.

That's why 9/5/18 Senate hearing with Sheryl Sandberg/Jack Dorsey was SO IMPORTANT.