The Twin Towers collapsed at or near Free Fall Speed which can only happen with a controlled demolition…
The US government received multiple prior warnings of an imminent major terrorist attack involving aircraft, but did absolutely nothing to stop it.
Donald Trump on the morning of 9/11: The buildings were incredibly strong, planes or jet fuel didn't bring them down.
James Corbett: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The 9/11 Conspiracy Theory In Under 5 Minutes
Even the author of the 9/11 Commission Report says it is a complete work of fiction and bears no relation to actual events on #September11th.
Building 7 isn't even mentioned.
There has NEVER been a proper investigation.…
Building 7 collapsed at near Free Fall Speed, which can only happen with a Controlled Demolition.
The charges must have been laid days or weeks before the attack.
WTC 7 was not hit by a plane.
Building 7 only had minor office fires at the time it collapsed.
It did however hold important SEC & CIA files, which were claimed to have been lost.…
Apart from the three buildings on 9/11 no other steel framed building has ever collapsed from fire.
Former NIST Employee Speaks Out : The NIST Report On The World Trade Centre Towers Collapse Is a Fraud
Robert Mueller was installed as FBI Director two weeks prior to 9/11.
He closed down FBI investigations into who was responsible for 9/11 &
obstructed Congress's probe…
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller tells a whopper of a lie 3 days after 9/11…
Former FBI agent Coleen Rowley blew the whistle on Robert Mueller's cover up of 9/11…
Robert Mueller framed an innocent man for the Anthrax attacks.
The purpose of the Anthrax attacks, carried out by the US government, was to intimidate Congress into passing the tyrannical Patriot Act…
These were arrested on 9/11 by Robert Mueller's FBI in a van containing explosives, but released after 2 months & allowed to go back to Israel…
Experienced pilots say this is impossible…