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911 🧵 - mainstream media news helicopter witnessing explosion then getting called in #911Truth #911Lies
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In a 93-tweet thread I made the case there NEVER was an "Operation Northwoods" back in 1962. In this continuation thread I argue "Operation Northwoods" was PROPAGANDA designed in 2001 to divert attention from ISRAELI complicity in both JFK & 9/11
In the previous thread, I showed how Oliver Stone's JFK (1991) popularized idea JFK was assassinated by "the military-industrial complex" (MIC) b/c he refused to invade Cuba in 1962, was set to withdraw from Vietnam & wanted to end the Cold War. LBJ gave MIC what it wanted!
James Bamford's Body of Secrets came out in April 2001 - five months BEFORE 9/11 - introducing the world to “Operation Northwoods” that Bamford claimed “may be the most corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government"
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The "Operation Northwoods" LIE that has been repeatedly used to PROVE that both JFK assassination & 9/11 were INSIDE JOBS executed by the "Military-Industrial Complex" or "Deep State" is #disinfo designed to divert attention from ISRAELI complicity in both JFK & 9/11
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In March 2001 - just six months BEFORE 9/11 - the pilot episode of The Lone Gunmen aired on Fox TV with a dramatic scene in which a Boeing 727 is remotely hijacked by "terrorists" - actually a secret cabal in US govt - & flown into the WTC.
As I have shown in an Oct 2019 thread, there are a lot of serious questions we could ask about the timing of this pilot, including what possible role Rupert Murdoch played in its production. Was this deliberate Zionist "predictive programming"?
Read 93 tweets
#wewereliedtoabout911 #911Justice #911Truth #OmarAlBayoumi #PrinceBandar Philip Zelikow is the "smoking gun" of 9/11 as far as showing that we never had and desperately need a real investigation into 9/11. Outside the reach of those with a vested interest in suppressing the truth
(1) All of this was posted on 2/7/2015 concerning the 28 (29) Redacted Pages. Philip Zelikow to the rescue...


“The questions raised by the twenty-eight pages were an important part of the commission’s agenda; indeed, its director...
Read 30 tweets
#wewereliedtoabout911 #911Justice #911Truth Here is my new book. It's a free gift for everyone. Please read, share, retweet the hell out of this. Thank you.
Here are links to both of my books for free...

9/11 Truther: The Fight For Peace, Justice & Accountability…

We Were Lied To About 9/11: The Interviews…
Read 10 tweets
For some reason, the pinned tweet I had of my second book has disappeared. Can someone help me find that tweet please? It's the one that says it's a gift for everyone, etc... Thanks.
#wewereliedtoabout911 #911Justice #911Truth Here is my new book. It's a free gift for everyone. Please read, share, retweet the hell out of this. Thank you.

That's what it says. It had 112 Likes or something, but A LOT of information in the thread.
Read 4 tweets
@ivaxsirc Bon día Xavier i gràcies per aquest enfilall tant interessant 👌🙏😉
Efectivament, fa ser un montatge de cal deu, el famós 11/09/2001.
Ho vaig puger veure en directe al moment, gràcies a 1 trucada urgent d'Alemanya. Estava llavors a la oficina i vàrem ser varios a veure-ho.
@ivaxsirc Molts es van empassar el "Teatre terrorista" i unes cuantes, poques, varem veure que no podría ser de tant flagrant e incoherències adients!
Ó sigui q és violava amb tota tranquil·litat, la defensa del espai aeri d'un dels països més armats i preparats en seguritat del món..?!!
@ivaxsirc Au vinga va.. Ja això primerament haguès tingut que alertar molta Gent ingènua.
Després la manera dels atacs, els incendis i els enfonsaments dels edificis. Molts detalls paradoxals..
Read 11 tweets
The "official" story says perimeter steel columns "falling" from #WTC1 "punched" through Building 6 #WTC6 on 9/11 & created this huge "crater" down to sub-basement levels? Others look at this crater and think "No way! This HAD to have been an explosion!" So which is it?
For nearly a year after 9/11 there was nothing controversial about the #WTC6 crater. On 16 Sep 2001 #NYTimes published this satellite image that clearly shows the black hole marked "6" but it certainly didn't stand out from all the other destruction
On 5 Oct 2001, AP released a photo of a priest blessing a cross of steel beams that reportedly had fallen from WTC1 into #WTC6 that a laborer had found in the WTC6 rubble two days after 9/11
Read 50 tweets
If you think you know everything you need to know about the Aug 2020 blast that destroyed half of Beirut - a blast that Human Rights Watch in a recent report calls "one of the largest non-nuclear explosions in history" - here are some things that might change your mind
Did you know that an Oct 2020 FBI report concluded only 552 tonnes of ammonium nitrate exploded on 4 Aug 2020, a FIFTH of 2,754 tonnes that arrived on a Russian-leased cargo ship in 2013 that was widely assumed from Day One to be the cause of the blast?
Did you know all those bags of "NITROPRILL HD" seen in the photos of the Beirut warehouse were NOT blasting agents? The HD means "high density" which is the way NH4NO3 is prilled for FERTILIZER! "Experts" like Jeffrey Lewis @ArmsControlWonk were wrong to suggest otherwise.
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Read 104 tweets
#wewereliedtoabout911 #911Justice #911Truth #SuspiciousBehavior (1) What qualifies as suspicious behavior? Bush telling his principals 10 days after his inauguration to "go find me a way" to go into Iraq? Cheney meeting with nearly every oil executive in existence...
(2) ...and discussing Iraq's oil fields months before 9/11, even though those executives denied meeting with him before Congress? People in the Bush Administration discussing creating a "cassus belli" for war with Iraq prior to 9/11? FBI Superiors blocking subordinates...
(3) ...from doing their jobs? The CIA seemingly protecting at least 2 of the hijackers? The NSA lying about not knowing the location of two of the hijackers in San Diego? NORAD lying about their air response that morning? Multiple people in the Bush Administration denying...
Read 8 tweets

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