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Thread by @Marianne_M_B: "Hugh Hefner, who worked with and for the C(I)A, though he was given keys to my Beta and was one of my Handlers, never actually owned me. I w […]" #DefundCIA #HumanRightsViolation #CrimesAgainstChildren #ChildSexTrafficking

, 4 tweets, 3 min read
6 subscribers
Hugh Hefner, who worked with and for the C(I)A, though he was given🔑keys to my Beta and was one of my Handlers, never actually owned me.
I wasn’t his slave per se.

#DefundCIA #HumanRightsViolation
Considering that, as a child, I was passed around to the same group of people most starlets were, you can assume they managed to compromise everyone who had a viable career in the Entertainment/Film Industry.
...And they compromised anyone attached to the film industry in insurance or finance.
Hugh Hefner’s Los Angeles house conveniently adjoined
LACC. How about a nice “round of golf”. 🙄
Such disgusting people.
“Even though it puts me in a very bad - even dangerous position - with my mom and Polanski and OTHER PEOPLE WHO ARE INVOLVED - I can’t be silent any more.”
So, now you know what I meant in my interview with @emmamarieparry…
#DefundCIA #ChildSexTrafficking
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